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My Talk with Vincent Van Gogh

I stood at the museum wall
And gazed upon the paintings there.
Powerful strokes and mighty lines
Showing me what the artists share.

I stood as one frozen in time,
And tried to contact Van Gogh’s heart.
"Dearest Vincent, master fine,
You rewrote the world’s view on art.

Tell me why you turned your back on
The traditions, set and followed
By those the art world built upon.
Your works upset their rules, hallowed."

“I only painted what I saw,
The way the world appeared to me.
Some thought I broke an artist’s law
But I had to paint truth, you see.”

Had I indeed heard Vincent’s words
Or only dreamed his humble mien?
In that moment, time felt blurred
And my heart said, “It could have been.”

Call it madness or say “surreal,”
It made my Van Gogh pathway clear.
His paintings took on new appeal
Once I had shared that moment dear.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Last few words: 
I would so love the opportunity to talk with him for a few minutes. Oh, tell the truth…I’d like to talk with him for hours!
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem demonstrates a clear understanding of the subject matter, Vincent Van Gogh, and his impact on the art world. The narrative is well-structured, with the speaker's conversation with Van Gogh serving as a central point of interest.

However, there are areas that could be improved. For instance, the use of rhyming couplets throughout the poem can make the narrative feel predictable. Experimenting with different rhyme schemes or free verse could add more depth and unpredictability to the poem.

The poem could also benefit from more vivid, concrete imagery. While the poem does a good job of conveying the speaker's admiration for Van Gogh, it lacks the kind of sensory detail that can make a poem truly immersive. For example, the poem could describe specific paintings, colors, or brush strokes to give the reader a clearer picture of what the speaker is experiencing.

Lastly, the poem could delve deeper into the speaker's emotional response to Van Gogh's art. The final stanza hints at a profound emotional connection, but this could be explored further. By delving deeper into the speaker's feelings, the poem could create a stronger emotional impact.

In sum, while the poem demonstrates a clear understanding of its subject matter and a well-structured narrative, it could benefit from more varied rhyme schemes, vivid imagery, and a deeper exploration of the speaker's emotional response.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

I’ll work on that line. I was trying to get from “the artists” in general down to Van Gogh in particular. Didn’t quite feel as though I made it yet.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Because your words have touched my heart,
I stopped to share a little part.
Be nice, supportive, kind to all
As we walk through this Poetry Hall.

author comment

I didn't appreciate Van Gogh until I came face to face with one of his works at the Chicago Art Institute. Photos don't do his paintings justice. I love the power they emanate.

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Because your words have touched my heart,
I stopped to share a little part.
Be nice, supportive, kind to all
As we walk through this Poetry Hall.

author comment

This stood out as Van Gogh was one of my oldest daughters early artistic inspirations. I love how you had a conversation with him and made it feel real. Good job.


I had fun with the idea.

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Because your words have touched my heart,
I stopped to share a little part.
Be nice, supportive, kind to all
As we walk through this Poetry Hall.

author comment

Thank you for allowing me to see Van Gogh's artistry and life through your enchanted glasses! i was spell bound for the entire poem. I bet he would have found you to be an excellent conversationalist!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Isn't that the best part of poetry...seeing the world through someone else's eyes? We all have the chance to grow when we share perspectives.

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Because your words have touched my heart,
I stopped to share a little part.
Be nice, supportive, kind to all
As we walk through this Poetry Hall.

author comment

Hello, Mary Beth,
Did you really see an original? I can only imagine the aura and essence you felt! So wonderful! Thank you for sharing this experience.

Yes, Lavender, I saw it at the Chicago Art Institute many years ago. Standing in its presence, I finally understood his genius and why people rave about his work. It was an amazing and enlightening experience.

Thank you,
Mary Beth

Because your words have touched my heart,
I stopped to share a little part.
Be nice, supportive, kind to all
As we walk through this Poetry Hall.

author comment
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