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My Humble Requiem

As I ponder on my mortality,
On the how, the why and the when
I think on the thoughts I'll leave behind
And create my humble requiem

Be kind, that's it
should I stop right here ?
No. a lifetime of experience
needs much more I fear

Hug hard, smile often
Love with all your heart
Laugh out loud, sing louder still
Make your whole life art

We are only here for a few short years
So weave a tapestry of friends
Party hard with many beers
Have no regrets when it comes to the end

As you reach your final countdown
And your apocalypse comes to call
Smile quietly remembering you learned
to say "Up yours" and "stuff them all"

By Leanne Hogton

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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Watch this space! Our AI is thinking of a response. This typically takes up to 10 minutes.

the poem had some rough spots, but rather than change
your stanzas radically, I could use your own words and still make this smoother.

As I ponder on my mortality
on the how, the why, and when
I think on the thoughts I leave behind
and create my humble requiem

Be kind, that's it
should I stop right here?
No, the experience of my lifetime
needs much more I fear

Laugh loud, sing louder still
make your whole life art
Hug hard and smile real often
love with all your heart

We're only here for a few short years
so weave a tapestry of friends
Party hard with many beers
have no regrets at the end

As you reach your final countdown
and your apocalypse comes to call
Smile quietly, remember that you learned
to say "Up yours and "stuff them all"

As you can see, all I did in most cases, was to switch a few lines around and delete a few words
that didn't have any major impact on the piece itself. I am a big proponent of less is often more.

Of course, you may use anything I have given you, change what you feel is better, and in general
ignore anything or all of it. Good luck with the poem of the week. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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