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Morgan le 'Fey

Metallic kelly green, flecked with gold.
Sun’s light flashing from her tank’s sleek lines.
Custom raised handlebars, waiting for my touch.
What a majestic sight!

Purring between my thighs,
my motorcycle and I cruise the night.
Effortlessly we trace the highway’s curves.
She is a Lady but not tame, No sir!

She eagerly awaits my challenge to the road.
I can make her roar; I have christened her
(by her personality), Morgan le 'Fey,
it suits her well!

She is a beauty, I have heard men say.
From early April
until mid-November,
we rule night and day!

*with a great deal of help by Rose Black

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
The punctuation plus nuances by Rose Black! Many thanks to her! Cat
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem titled "Morgan le 'Fey" presents a vivid portrayal of a motorcycle and the relationship between the speaker and the machine. The use of personification is evident, attributing human characteristics to the motorcycle, which adds depth and emotion to the piece. However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm and meter to enhance the musicality of the language.

The imagery used in the poem, such as "Metallic Kelly green flecked with gold" and "sun’s light flashing from her tank’s sleek lines," is effective in painting a vivid picture of the motorcycle. The use of specific colors and details helps to create a strong visual image.

The poem's structure could be improved for better readability. The inconsistent line length and abrupt changes in rhythm can make the poem difficult to follow. A more consistent structure could help to guide the reader through the poem and enhance the overall flow.

The use of the name "Morgan le 'Fey" is interesting, as it references a character from Arthurian legend known for her magic and beauty. This could be further explored or clarified in the poem to add another layer of meaning.

The theme of the poem, the bond between the speaker and their motorcycle, is clear and effectively conveyed. The use of language such as "purring between my thighs," "she eagerly awaits my challenge to the road," and "we rule night and day" effectively communicates the speaker's affection and respect for the motorcycle.

Overall, the poem effectively uses imagery and personification to convey the speaker's relationship with their motorcycle. However, improvements could be made in terms of rhythm, meter, and structure to enhance the poem's readability and musicality.

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The poem is written in FREE VERSE... It does not have to rhyme do not need meter in a free verse poem.

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author comment

Quite the woman! You have depicted her beautifully in your poem. I am familiar with the name..I believe she was a Celtic deity. Well done!


yes,, my motorcycle was a beautiful lady and always good to me. Morgan, she was King Arthur's sister and she used magic.

*hugs, Cat

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author comment

What a freaking cool poem and an even cooler name that you gave this motorcycle. I think it fits you well. Born to be wild!!!
Great job!

All of God's children singing, holding hands in the rain!

That motorcycle was a lifesaver...It gave me independence and freedom of spirit. How I loved her! Then I met Steven, who also had a motorcycle. We drove our motorcycles to Canada for a camping honeymoon, lol. thanks for understanding. I also had a Pontiac GTO! thanks for reading and responding.

*hugs, Cat xxx

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author comment

I reworked this a bit with some additional punctuation and breaks ..

Metallic kelly green, flecked with gold.
Sun’s light flashing from her tank’s sleek lines.
Custom raised handlebars, waiting for my touch.
What a majestic sight!

Purring between my thighs,
my motorcycle and I cruise the night.
Effortlessly we trace the highway’s curves.
She is a Lady but not tame, No sir!

She eagerly awaits my challenge to the road.
I can make her roar; I have christened her
(by her personality), Morgan le 'Fey,
it suits her well!

She is a beauty, I have heard men say.
From early April
until mid-November,
we rule night and day!


The title grabbed me but then I got what I was not expecting. Very enjoyable read. Could have done with a lot more punctuation and I don't think you needed that exclamation mark after sight, unless it was the end of a sentence in which case purring should have commenced with a capital P. Alex

Thank you for being intrigued by my title and reading my poem, and for your suggestions. I am so glad that I have grabbed your interest and entertained you successfully. I very much appreciate your read and comment!

*hugs, Cat

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author comment

This was an almost perfect description of that bike. However, the last little tidbit of information on it would have ruined the image. As we both remember, she was a cold-hearted bitch to start. If the electric start didn't catch it the first time, you were relegated to kicking it over, manually. But, aside from that, she was a roaring gem! Well done.


...and I am sure you remember her kicking me back when I would try to kick her over to start ! lol. but when she was warmed up, she was a tigress! thanks for reading!

*love, Cat

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