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Letter to My Lovely Rosy

My dearest darling Rosy; beauteous as
Ever I pray, despite long ages since separation cursed us
That fateful day on that crossroad
Leading to unlike wild worlds apart and their agonizing load
It has indeed been long my love with torment
But fresh memories of the first day we met
Still looms like restless shadows spooking aloud
It was dusk of which the sun clutched in an amber cloud
Gracefully shone thy face cheerfully like a cherub
That descended down in charming robe
From the heavens - so timid, natures beauteous rub

To be my glowing moon
And my smiling sun after noon
Like providence sent upon me, a fiendish goon
And from a meadow filled with sweet croons
And raccoons and dancing baboons
Ye were brilliant like diamonds, an angelic boon
Pretty like beautiful bouquet of natural smell
You froze my breathe and made me swell
With the sweet scented and chilly aromas
Of your poshy pelt. You dazzled like celestial coronas
And has been my breath easily breathe
And smelt sweetly around me, though I reach my death
To this very moment, I scribe this scroll, I breathe

Separation is cursed for ye is missed much
Like our island flora misses the sun so much
During the winters upon the world
When all is but snow walled
With whiteness without a slight gold
Do you remember when we use to stroll
At the shore, arm in arm all days until we loll
And sit at dusk to the west to watch the wild roll
Of the setting sun as its goes down to roost
And then we cook dinner with plenty of chicken roast

Indeed, so long it has been my dear Rosy
Remember ye and me had a dream
For this our grim future that has no gleam
So sweet and fascinating our dream
To dwell peacefully on our island of roses
Just ye and me in that rainbow roses
Singing songs of love in harmony and merry anyhow
Whiles birds brood in their nests on the olive’s boughs
And cherubs dance in the serene angelic clouds
Such a dazzling dream we dreamt to the clouds
And our hearts clad so glad
But now I discern it merely a whisper like a snake
That hissed for a moment only to get stake

My love, when I reflect upon our separation
My heart runs bitter as bile and a sudden irritation
My whole self is sour as vinegar, vines so unripe
What cruelty. I know your bitter accounts and mine jibe
What a world so wide that we must vainly bide
Our time until we can take no more and slide
My love, of a thousand scrolls I shall scribe
For memories of our past and bitterness of our today
Is a giant reservoir that will overflow until we decay
Tears in my eyes lie not. Our pain now is the only way
Perhaps, it’s providence
But we cannot proclaim such without evidence
We only ought to bow and offer condolence
To our dying self; weep not Rosy,
For our love was benevolence

It is long since we parted
But I know our love is not tattered
Now, I must bitterly confess in this dark well
That I know not where ye dwell
But of your angelic beauty and sweet smell
I pray without cease and mete in penance
That this falcon my friend we trusted once
As our postman, fly with this scroll
And try heartily and find ye and ye find it.
But ere me let it sow to scour thee
Me know now that love is not a bed of roses
For fate adds its regards of jealous doses,
Like our tale, it always act bossy over all and wander
Off to hide the goosy from the gander.

With heartfelt love, I send this letter with the withered posy
You handpicked for me when I called you my missy
Bon Voyage me dear falcon friend, White Glossy
And fare ye well, my lovely darling Rosy
Your love, Tony.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 


this juxtaposed ancient and modern collage
of a flowing worded tale
send our consciousness from here to there in history
and entertains with love and peppered pattern
our visions of your story.

Well I understand the passion that gave this poem flight,
its memories are now sent out to the winds of the sun and moon.

I SEE this, it would be a wonderful multi-costumed play,
with actors from different eras uttering their piece,
how exciting it could be visually it could make a whole film.

I cannot begin to 'help' you with any of this
as it is extremely personal,
you have borrowed from both her and there
the sentiments and poetry of different styles,
mixed them into a kaleidoscope painting.

There could be some who will say,
make a shorter poem more intensely worded in one style,
for it is a fair length for the message it gives!
But that is up to you.
I personally enjoyed the concoction
and was made a little dizzy on tasting it.

We are left with the great passionate love you have for this bird.

Yours Ann in Norway.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

thanks for coming by to read this piece. I appreciate your comments. truth that the poem is stretch. could have been written perfectly in short lines but the words kept coming and I felt I just had to write them.
thanks again.

WonderGolly :)



What I love most about POETS is how they write SADNESS with SUNSHINE on their face, caption RAIN with FALLEN EMBERS and paint TEARS using the colours of WATERFALLS:lol

author comment

So long yet it compelled me to every word.

My only crit is the use of archaisms-
Separation is cursed for ye is missed much
Just ye and me in that rainbow roses
And try heartily and find ye and ye find it.
But ere me let it sow to scour thee

I don't normally like love poems but you have achieved a gorgeously personal and yet universal verse. My deepest congratulations.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Personally, I think love poems are complicated. you know, trying to express emotions in exact words or expressions to evoke a certain deep feeling. this poem was an "accidental hunch." lolz

WonderGolly :)



What I love most about POETS is how they write SADNESS with SUNSHINE on their face, caption RAIN with FALLEN EMBERS and paint TEARS using the colours of WATERFALLS:lol

author comment
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