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Leaving on a train
Leaving on a train
capture the last
word of good bye
in a farewell tears
far away from home
come to a foreign land
known as a stranger
with unfamiliar name
In a lonesome place
where emotion resides
to convey a message
without a form of word
with a language barrier
filled with a sense of lost
in the hope of search
for a place that hold
dearly to the heart like
home resonate the
sound of joy
that bring hope to lift up
the spirit of love
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Sun, 2024-01-14 22:24
Neopoet AI (premium) - 5-29-23 version
The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:
The poem "Leaving on a Train" explores themes of departure, alienation, and longing for home. It effectively uses imagery and emotion to convey the speaker's feelings. However, there are a few areas that could benefit from revision.
1. Consistency in Tense: The poem shifts between present and past tense, which can be disorienting for the reader. For example, "capture the last" and "known as a stranger" are in different tenses. It would be beneficial to maintain a consistent tense throughout the poem to ensure a smooth reading experience.
2. Grammar and Syntax: There are several instances where the grammar and syntax could be improved for clarity. For example, "in a farewell tears" might be better expressed as "in farewell tears" or "in a farewell tear". Similarly, "filled with a sense of lost" could be revised to "filled with a sense of loss".
3. Punctuation: The poem lacks punctuation, which can make it difficult for the reader to follow the intended rhythm and pauses. Consider adding punctuation to guide the reader through the poem.
4. Line Breaks: The line breaks seem arbitrary at times and do not always contribute to the poem's rhythm or meaning. Consider revising the line breaks to enhance the poem's flow and to emphasize key ideas or emotions.
5. Show, Don't Tell: The poem tells the reader about the speaker's emotions rather than showing them through concrete images, actions, or sensory details. For example, instead of stating "with a language barrier", the poem could show the speaker struggling to communicate in a foreign language.
6. Theme Development: The poem introduces the theme of longing for home but does not fully develop it. Consider expanding on this theme by exploring what home means to the speaker and why they long for it.
In summary, while the poem effectively conveys a sense of alienation and longing, it could benefit from revisions to its tense consistency, grammar, punctuation, line breaks, use of concrete details, and theme development.
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