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Glitz and Gloom

Call it shimmering bliss
Or wild gleaming glees
They are the bounteous reap
Of they who have guessed the stars right
Robed in jewelries of glitters
They deem the world a beauteous palace
Where is played a ballad of solace without hassle

Call it gloomy skies and shadowy clouds
They are the nightmares of the unlucky births
Who bark at life a disaster; a torment amid a hassle
Whether slow like a turtle or wild like hurtle
Till their blood curdle, they have toiled tirelessly
From the inner circles to the outer withered petals
Only to die empty with dead dreams and weathered blisters

Call it fortune and misfortune
The world is but glitz and gloom
Like angels and demons; darkness and light
In the end, they are two unlike faces of the same coin
Playing each other on a life and death chessboard
One simply moves the chess pieces. The other owns the entire board.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Editing stage: 


i have no critique! this is simply beautiful.

thanks a lot for coming by to read this piece. I appreciate it.

WonderGolly :)



What I love most about POETS is how they write SADNESS with SUNSHINE on their face, caption RAIN with FALLEN EMBERS and paint TEARS using the colours of WATERFALLS:lol

author comment

The title is appropriate. Language usage good and the imagery is imaginative. Good work!

Call it fortune and misfortune
The world is but glitz and gloom
Like angels and demons; darkness and light
In the end, they are two unlike faces of the same coin
Playing each other on a life and death chessboard
One simply moves the chess pieces. The other owns the entire board.

my favorite lines!

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

How are you? nice having you around again.
thanks for the read and the comments. It's appreciated.

WonderGolly :)



What I love most about POETS is how they write SADNESS with SUNSHINE on their face, caption RAIN with FALLEN EMBERS and paint TEARS using the colours of WATERFALLS:lol

author comment
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