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Deep Cut Christmas

Tis the season of reflection
To look inward at one's self
Facing holiday demons
Deep cuts hidden behind the elf

Holiday movies run rampant
Tears of sorrow grace my cheek
Realizing what's missing
How I must appear so weak

A home that feels warm
Where celebration isn't a crime
Candles glow from window sills
And giving doesn't have you doing time

Sharing the days leading up to
With someone who really loves you
If that is even a thing, I'm not sure
Feeling normal would be great too

Looking at the angel atop the tree
Through glass eyes, she watches
With porcelain hands outstretched
Will there be a Christmas miracle for me

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem effectively uses imagery and metaphor to express a sense of longing and melancholy during the holiday season, a time typically associated with joy and togetherness. The juxtaposition of festive elements like the elf and the Christmas tree with the speaker's emotional turmoil creates a poignant contrast.

However, there are a few areas that could be improved. The phrase "holiday movies run ramped" seems to be a misuse of the term "ramped." Perhaps the poet intended to use "rampant," which would fit better in this context.

The line "If that is even a thing, I'm not sure" breaks from the poem's otherwise consistent rhythm and tone. It introduces a casual, conversational language that feels out of place. Consider revising this line to maintain the poem's overall mood and style.

The last stanza introduces the image of an angel with "glass eyes" and "porcelain hands." This is a compelling image, but it's introduced quite late in the poem. Consider weaving this image throughout the poem to create a more cohesive narrative thread.

The poem's exploration of loneliness and longing during the holiday season is a compelling theme. With some revisions, this poem could more effectively communicate its poignant message.

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your nostalgic poem is just the thing I needed to read breaks away from the the wide-eyed little girl and brings about a mature outlook. there is a sadness in the growth from girl to woman. innocence falls away and cannot be regained. that is the price we pay... my favorite lines are:

Looking at the angel atop the tree
Through glass eyes, she watches
With porcelain hands outstretched
Will there be a Christmas miracle for me

a damned good poem!
*love, Cat

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And reply in kind, thanks.

I have been watching holiday movies and realized I was crying through them and why. I figured out what is missing and it just tears me apart. Thank you for the read and comment.


author comment

I am sorry you are feeling so sad. I used to hate the christmas holiday, because I was alone and isolated. I hope you will be granted what you need most. I will light a candle for you and make a wish for you to find your heart's desire.

*love & wishes. Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I have been numb to it for so long. This year has affected me differently. I don't do emotion well so this is a bit of a shock. I guess my senses had to wake up sometime.


author comment

Hello, Carrie,
Heartrending words. The holidays can be trying and disappointing. As I get older, I try not to add to the stress and unrealistic expectations of the season. I try to be true to myself and sincere with my intentions. It sounds like you are facing some "truth," too. Your language is intense, and yet has a beautiful honesty to it.
Warmest wishes for that Christmas miracle!

My senses really have awoken and the truth has hit me like a locomotive but now I know what's missing and seeing how it can be rectified. It's never too late.


author comment

All the best to you!

Holidays can be rough esp if you are missing someone. There should be a phone line esp for this time of year. 365 - 12 there are so many days to be thankful as well. Just keep making your own holiday traditions and hopefully this season will pass. Wish you well this season.

The holidays are a bit rough for me and I finally figured out why and what is missing from my life in general. I am hoping this season passes quickly and maybe next will be better.


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