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Broken Glass pt.# 2: Simone (eddy styx) Updated

Music tuned in, she glided free
with graceful hands just floating
her slender figure spun and danced
it was her way of coping.

Shifting her feet, she danced
abandoned to the night.
Slender neck and arching spine
lit softly in the moonlight

He stood watching in the shadows
his breathing sharp and fast,
coal-black eyes devoured her,
and so, the die was cast.

Simone's towel ripped away
he pushed her to the ground,
her head dashed upon a rock
a terrible, thudding sound.

"The surgeon did his level best
to make her whole again,
the damage done, so severe,
too much for her little brain.

Even though she has her music
we all worry for her plight
She is so frail, you see,
dancing in the moonlight.

One peculiar habit she has;
running barefoot in the snow
all over town she sprints,
she's determined that she go.

Bleeding feet are a consequence
of a wintry dancing class
but don't dis it until you try
dancing on broken glass!

an eddy styx poem

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
an eddy styx poem. eddy styx is my Male alter ego who writes dark poetry. this is part two of Broken Glass. *Much thanks to Geezer for his critique and suggestions!
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem presents a narrative that is both engaging and emotionally charged. The use of rhyme and rhythm is consistent throughout the piece, contributing to its overall flow. However, there are areas where the narrative could be clearer and the language more precise.

The poem's narrative, which seems to revolve around a traumatic event and its aftermath, is somewhat obscured by ambiguity. While it is clear that something terrible happens to Simone, the exact nature of the event is not fully explained. This may be an intentional choice to leave the reader with a sense of unease, but it could also lead to confusion.

The language used throughout the poem is generally effective in conveying the emotional tone of the piece. However, there are instances where the choice of words could be more precise. For example, in the line "Music tuned in, she glided free," the phrase "tuned in" is a bit vague. A more specific phrase could provide a clearer image of Simone's actions and emotions.

The poem's structure is consistent, with each stanza containing four lines. This provides a solid framework for the narrative. However, the rhythm of the poem is occasionally disrupted by lines that are noticeably longer or shorter than others. Maintaining a consistent rhythm could improve the poem's flow.

The poem's conclusion, in which Simone is described as dancing on broken glass, is a powerful image that effectively conveys her resilience. However, the phrase "but don't dis it till you try" seems out of place in the context of the poem's serious tone. A more fitting conclusion might maintain the serious tone while still emphasizing Simone's strength and determination.

Overall, the poem has a strong emotional impact and presents a compelling narrative. With some adjustments to clarify the narrative and refine the language, it could be even more effective.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Eddy,
This is one of your best - dark and disgustingly creepy, but so heartbreaking. I feel her pain, or apathy toward pain, so acutely.
Thank you,

thank you for your critique, always appreciated. I am so pleased you understand Simone's situation and reactions. I am learning another way to express myself, rather than using bloody mayhem and shock. I am glad you find my new efforts effective! I will probably write more in the old "styx ways" just to keep my hand in, lol.

*deeply respectful, eddy styx

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author comment

I might not be a fan of eddy's type of poetry. I think it's not an easy thing to write dark poetry. I've tried it so many times and can't remember how many were successful.
Back to this one, I think tou did great in keeping me indulged in reading till the very last line.
Scary it is.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I always appreciate your direct honesty, and count on you to keep me on my toes ;) thank you. I hope you keep trying to find your legs on the dark side. I will be there to read...

sincerely, eddy

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author comment

This is a very engaging backstory to the original "Broken Glass". Throughout, it keeps the reader's interest. My only change would be to the first line of the 2nd verse: Change "verses" to "versus".


Thank you for catching that! I appreciate it.

*ever, eddy styx

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