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Editing - draft



Alexander's Clover

a loss truly felt
Whose rings weren’t made of gold
Whose brain was covered in sod
You never heard a word of it

I knew a place
To gather glimpses of soul
I listened again and again
But let go before I ever caught hold

Brain sod
His absence was loud but
much less than doubt


Dust choked mirror reflects dark sunken
orbs beneath crescent moon halves
mutated skin wrists hang from frail
fractured limbs of tormented sinew

I've been here before & I know the routine
I've seen this before & I know what it means

Luna disc penetrates silver shards
across splintered boards of decline
concentric circles of aching frown sends
ripped muscles into relentless spasm

a Woman's Scorn (sonnet)

If all that can be known, that I should rise
to amaranthine art in Holy light
to stand aligned just so, before His eyes
but by a luscious fruit and simple bite

And by a serpent's tongue, should I concede
releasing inhibitions borne within
So, should I share this fruit with mine to seed
that we can test the punishment of sin

Let blushing bride let slip the viper by!
engorged with racing blood and poison spit
Let garden tear as innocence would die
displaced by earthly weight He deems befit

A Sonny Disposition

A Sonny Disposition

Awoken by the Sun, no alarm clock needed
And no need for Westminster chimes
Sonny gets up and like clockwork’s reminded
That curtains waste valuable time

Sonny’s disposition is as sunny as his name
No melancholy viewpoints, no cause to complain
With rose-tinted glasses, of life he’s not tired
Forever optimistic - the way his brain’s wired

Realizations in the Darkness

My tears became so numerous
They sat like stars in the northern sky
Suspended in the moonless black oblivion of depression
It was there I sat, wearing my cloak of despair
Pondering all things great and small
Under their dim but twinkling light
When realizations became manifest and
The fires of self love were rekindled


Like a message scribed on rubber band
Whose tensile strength was tested
Stretched to capacity and imprinted
Before the band was rested

Difficult to read the script
Writing now becomes compressed
Shrunken and illegible
Mingled and distressed

Such is life whilst in the fray
Hard to read and packed in tight
Stretch the band and know the day
Dream throughout elastic night


We are born in gaseous nebulas
Ethereal vapors too beautiful for eyes
Yet this fabric must collapse
In order to birth you, a star
Massive energy neatly compressed
Into a beacon of gorgeous fire
From distances vast they appear
Twinkling dew drops on a black canopy
We gaze up in awe and wonder
Never knowing the incredible forces
Residing under the radiant surface
A fusion of ideas continuously churns
Inside the star the ideas become heavy
Dense ideas bring the threat of implosion


I choose light
Though I’ll walk through darkness to attain it

I choose hope
For it carries the tired and wearisome heart

I choose love
Because all else is displaced energy

We Drink of Stars

In nebulae we lie in wait
In time we wade through oceans
Vast seas of plasma glow
Now growing do surround us
I drink elixir from your cup
A million twinkling, fledgling stars
I fill your vessel now with mine
Stellar light combines with ours


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