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Editing - draft

I Want to Cry...

I need to cry more, it makes me feel better
A release from the everyday stress
A change from complacent and the weary
To those days that I love best

My muse loves me, and I love her back
I couldn't want for more
She brings me ideas from everywhere
She leaves them outside my door

Don't chase her, she returns on her own
I'll sit waiting patiently
Gone for days, she roams for thoughts
Bringing them home to me

Solstice Inside

Attached to chilly winter air
My deepening, dark, and dread despair
Sets upon me sure and slow
Casts questions over all I know

Work is slow, it’s warm inside
Retreat into myself, I hide
I’ve my paintbrush and my pen
Sustain me until spring again

The chambers of self love will wane
The heart will argue with the brain
Never listen, it’s just noise
Steal your peace and rob your joys

It was there at the office party
Lord, she was a dream
Dressed to the nines, a beauty
She was coffee, I was the cream

Right underneath the mistletoe
just as supposed to be
I saw her there and thought
she was waiting there for me

Too late, here comes Harry
the braggart and a bore
He's had his share of kisses
here he comes for just one more

I wandered off to fetch a drink
I couldn't look at them
He held his lips on hers too long
I shivered, drank and then...

A Light In The Darkness (She was a contender)

A Light In The Darkness
(She Was A Contender)

Favorite Wintery Memory... Neopoet Random challenge

My circulation wasn't like sludge
back in those winter days
Although I was fully-grown
I hadn't changed my playful ways

My kids and half the neighborhood
would pile into my van
armed with sleds and tire-tubes
gloves, for frozen hands

The slopes resounded with our shouts
and tumbles down the hill
Who can forget those great winter days?
I know I never will

The time we set the world on fire
our bon-fire was too big
All at once the fire department
was there with their biggest rig


Some are excellent for certain
Others not so much
If I’m the man behind the curtain
The choice is mine to touch

At times I choose entirely wrong
At least that’s how it feels
I carry these mistakes so long
My spirit starts to reel

Reflecting on the sore missteps
I find the lessons dear
I’ll try to choose a better path
To walk along this coming year


Patience is a virtue
Whatever that means
Having patience will lead you to great things
Patience will find you someone beautiful
Be patient and wait so you can find your soulmate
Don’t go looking because you
Might run into your enemy
Patience is everything
Patience is well worth waiting
Without patience you might not get what you want at that very moment
With patience you will get the best

Xoxo Delilah rose

Lively Dead Blossoms

This prose is soaked in tears
It is the product
Of minds that never blink
Wounds that never heal

People that have betrayed
Lovers that have quarreled
Childhoods gone wrong
The first blossoms of red.

These pretty swaying words
In the winds of the storm
Standing still
Never breaking

Until they are broken clean
From their roots.
March on through the fields
Covered in dead blooms

New opportunities seen
And tunneled through black ink.

Achy Hands

When I don’t know what to write
I feel my hand aching to move and
my heart begging to be heard
but the words don’t flow,
my hand feels stuck,
and my heart is
left alone.

Everything feels so heavy.
My head has hurt for days
My eyes have tears that won’t fall.
They want to, but they can’t.
They won’t.

Up on The Rooftop... [Neo. Challenge of December]

Up on The Rooftop,
damn, this is slick!
Up with decorations
Rudolph gives me a kick

As I turned my back
I'm sure heard him say
Santa can't land here
with that big ****ing sleigh

Just leave us alone
we don't want to sit
on top of your house
amid the pigeon-shit

As I took down the ladder

I was scared of them now...

I thought maybe I'll work
with a manger and a cow


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