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Editing - draft

Music is Life

Music is a place where I go
A device of teleportation
I’m an instrument, finely in tune
Receiving every vibration

Every note has called me home
Or made it’s home of me
Taught me secrets seldom sought
Trained my ears to see

I chased thunder in my youth
Metallic dreams abound
Never lost my taste for folk
It’s earth to which I’m bound

Younger still, weekends spent
Listening with my aunts
American Top Forty
Those glorious pop charts

Poets All

Poets and appreciators
Prophets and acolytes
Drunks and sadists
Victims and violators alike
Sickened by secrets and
Stricken with brilliance
Are you the product or
Are you the process
What part do you play in
The sudden grace
Proper poetry elicits
We are gathered together
And anchored outside
The imperative
Utterly alone despite
Any union we attempt
Solitary in the displacement
Our perspective effects
Called upon to find a
Renewed refined and

Music Of Her Life (A Challenge) for fun

Musically, she was an eclectic. Early in life, she was deeply smitten with Buddy Holly and the Crickets. At the very least, she would "Rave On." “Every day” of her life.
Of course we should not forget Johnny Cash, who "Walk(ed) The Line" with she and her father in her formative years. Leading to "Folsom Prison."

The Hourglass

Thoughts go a swirling
They’re funneling down
Approaching the vortex
Around and around

Falling through the aperture
Join the other grains
A multitude of other thoughts
The pleasures and the pains

More still fall upon me
I’m crushed beneath the weight
Then someone flipped the hour glass
Before it was too late

An Open Door

If I’m to live and breathe and cry
Made of flaws and stern resolve
Disappointments of my self
Inflated by this frantic mind

I have at least a million gifts
Within, without, yet unrealized
Treasures awaiting discovery
In some chamber sealed and dark

Traveler of thoughts may cover miles
Beyond the reach of other means
Inner space is strangely vast
Where gravity pulls stronger still

Season's Emotions... December Contest

I feel the Christmas spirit
and wonder why just now?
Is it the festive decorations
do they bring it out somehow?

Or is it merry children's faces
sitting on Santa's lap?
Maybe it's a dog wearing
antlers on his little cap

Is it buying X-Mas presents
or receiving some?
Feeling songs and music
about a kid and drum?

Maybe Christ and someone's savior
has come to deliver us
from the Devil and his minions
want to throw us before the bus

She Was A/The First/Redhead pt.2 by: eddy styx

This sculpted private, (of His own ego) garden set aside
from the surrounding wilder-lands, (as yet not trodden
and trampled)was gifted to them the first Man
and Woman, by a mysterious benefactor.
Asking only one small thing they must grant HIM:
In turn, they promised not to partake of
the fruit of "the Tree of Life." A knowing look
in His eyes, a cruel chuckle upon his lips.
Time would tell, it shouldn't be long...

She Was A/The First/Redhead pt.1 by: eddy styx

"I'm bored"
said Eve to Adam,
as he scratched his head.
(absentmindedly) Stretching
his back, yawning out the words.
"What should we do today?"
She, observing his
vacuity, his lack of focus,
combed her auburn hair.
Carefully exploring
her ready options.
So they went for a swim
before they breakfasted
on nuts and berries,
milk and honey.
"Let's go for a stroll?"
taking his hand,
pulling him to his feet
(for it was not really a question)

A lovedly Composition... [for my friend].

All love to rise, it's normal
in the time of love
rising above, more than you two
thinking and loving lovely

Who is, we two? Who are you?
I merely compose the way I do

Whenever there is a challenge
we cannot pass
make sure you have class
It's all we have

I'm in the blues, loving you
in heaven when I am with the blues
love divine is no secret
it merely reads differently

Compose a lovedly poem
do it again
again, and again



One day closer to you
That's how I get myself through
Each day that goes by
even though I still cry
I know I'm one day closer to you

I don't know how many days it will take
But I do know that you will wait
For each day that goes by
brings me one day closer to you

I will fulfill my purpose
that I have been left here to do
Knowing each day
brings me one day closer to you


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