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Editing - draft

I Love You Too

“I just feel so alone” I said to you as I cried.
“You’re not alone, and you never will be” you replied.

You stayed on the phone with me that night
until I had no more tears to cry,
until you saw me smile again,
until I fell asleep.
And when I woke up,
you were still there.

You called me that night
and the next
and every night thereafter.
You made sure I was never alone again.

To this day, you still call me,
Just because.

You never say it,
but I know it’s because you love me.

A Love Story

He appeared as a black dahlia,
bright and alluring.
So marveling at his secretly cynical exterior,
she gave in.
This is their beginning.

He gave her the world,
or so she thought.
He would kiss her heart day by day.
Who wouldn't be enthralled?
I would.

She adored him.
But did he? NO.
She was a tournament to him.
A football match, even,
but she never realized.

Off Spring

Off Spring

The great deciduous trees seem more human than we,

living their entire lives in four short seasons.

Just as human faces shift and morph,

Depression Bites

The sun is shining brightly
But behind my eyes is rain
My soul is shrinking inward
As depression bites again

Outside I see the pretty girls
With perfect shape and smile
My mirror tells me I'm not one
Truth is I'm pretty vile

I have a few small talents
No I'm not a total loss
I can write like this and sing a song
And dress up like a boss

I'm tired of fighting constant pain
I'm tired of unkind words
I'm losing grip on reality
My whole existence is absurd

Sweet and Evil...

Coal black fur and yellow eyes
no voice and gleaming teeth
This one hates real evil
he fears neither man or beast

Killer smiles and touches him
Anubis quivers now
"Relax my precious friend
we'll get to him somehow"

In the big and dark old house
the evil waits for them
It knew that they would come
it knows, that now is when

Unlock the door and let them in
so eager to engage
Confident in his power
and his unmatched rage

My Love

Your hands are perfectly gentle and strong.
I’ve seen them turn wrenches,
and balled tight in anger.
I’ve seen the way they glide across your steering wheel,
and across my skin.

You hold my hand in yours
like it’s made of pure gold,
and you carry my heart all the same.

And your eyes…
Emerald green,
soft when you look at me,
sharp when you protect me.
both are beautiful.

Your skin is soft to the touch,
your smile makes me weak.

Lost in the Moment

Somewhere between wakefulness and sleep
You reach out for me
and pull me close.

I can feel you breathe..
the rise and fall of your chest.

Your arms wrap around me
and hold me tight.

I could stay here forever
enveloped in your embrace.

You squeeze me tighter
and drift off to sleep
and I’m still here
lost in the moment
with you.

I Made a Deal with the Devil

I made a deal with the devil
And sealed it with a demon’s kiss.

My soul for his love
It was conditional.

At first, it didn’t feel real.
It was unlike any love I’d ever known.
Full of life and promise and purpose.
And that’s how he gets you.

Slowly and slowly
He drug out my soul.

Piece by piece
He chipped at my heart.

And before I knew it,
I wasn’t even me anymore.

Who Is Norm?...

Is he someone special?
This Norm I hear about
I'd like to look him up
call his number, give a shout

They say he's everyone
but I don't recognise his face
How can he be like me?
I'm not even in the race

What does he do for living?
Where does this bastard live?
I would truly like to meet him
Oh, what I wouldn't give

I'm measured up against him
I hear his name at every turn
Why should I be like him?
Man, it makes me burn!

Could have, would have, should have

Writers folly could have thrown me into decline
Shaking my whims out of my mind
As I slide down a banister of foolish delight
Think "I would not be sliding if my head was on right"

Would have froze with my foes as I faced all their might
Should have ghastly gone fourth writing tales of trite fright
Macabre apparitions watching out for whats getting me
Would have locked away my wonder wishing I could just let it be


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