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Editing - draft

The Queen of Hearts...

A curvaceous body hid
her frozen, cold steel heart
The warmth of imagination
disguised that awful part

Though there was no intention
he felt the steady draw
of lips and hips to his
and thought about the law

As he first felt desire
rise up in his veins
the thought of sin and punishment
said he was insane

She redoubled all her efforts
made him want her more
Her skin was warm and soft
she thrilled him to his core

Challenge- In the Land of Chaos

War, what a shameful thing to see
That brings termination to mankind
Causing everything to become a nightmare
With all these horrible crime scenes
Like a living place in hell with a disaster
To see such madness turning into a ghost town
with all human deadly flesh body
dripping blood turning into a river flow
skeleton bones stay on the side
that filled with horrifying cries
Is this how we want to see our future build
With people suffering from fear and death
their lives become shattered and helpless

Be a Light

If you can change the world
Only change it for the better
If you can write your story
Write it and follow it to the letter

If you can create an atmosphere
Make sure you give a positive vibe
Never put others down to act cool
Be the reason others feel alive

In a world where all people do is fight
Change the trend and Be a Light

Love Lost In The Land Of Chaos

Asking me what you did wrong,
I told you that you did not listen,
you are not listening to me still,
could have wiped away tears that glisten.

You were too much of a Man's Man,
a two-fisted hard bodied drinker.
you never noticed it was slipping away
what you needed was a good head-shrinker.

Figuring out the mess you were creating
did you think in your hands you had it made?
Love was a treasure you could not tarnish
if only you had followed your heart and obeyed.

The weight of love

I want to once again
feel you touch my skin
fingers arresting my cheek,
shape me into a star
with strands of atoms
interweaving and colliding,
let's silently slip between
the shadows of amber fire
as the Westminster chimes
morph the awe-inspired
into an eternal montage.

I hold you in my mind
with galaxies vined
across vellum skies,
grant me a universe
where I am swept back
rewinding a hand of time

When a Child Gave Me Advice...

A little voice with big concern
for my sad and lonely face
She stood there waiting silent
like an angel in that place

"Hey mister, why are you crying?"
My friend has gone away
He has died and left me lonely
we have buried him today

"But sir, he's gone to heaven"
I'm sure that's where he went
for you to love him and be crying
I'm sure that's where he's sent"

Pathway to the Pleiades

I have chosen
to go walkabout
without destiny
nor with doubt

Through a recanting of earth
I'll pass through many veils
finding the greater magic
is a touchstone of the grails

Along the misty road
I'll travel without fear
picking up vibrations
I'm an elfen pioneer

Gossamer filbrils of light
softly drift round my head
as I walk among the stars
I'm dazzled as they dispread

In The Land Of Chaos

Because of his death,
We had to face a lot of flak.
Living on the streets, parched, starving and cold;
Always on the run and hiding
As if we’re at war with law and order.
Everything we earned, we gave away
To play with guns and bullets,
When we lost our way home,
We bribed and got an extra dose of happiness.
The moon spoke about our silence
When it illuminated radiantly;
It always right when it shone like a fresh rose.
Something we knew
Was only a temporary solution to our problem:

Words Unspoken

Heart bound by fear
Tongue laced to my lips.

Words are left

My hand is my mouth.
Pen, my tongue.
Flowing freely
The words that are locked in my throat.

Breath hitched
And the thought
Of using my voice

My voice is the one you hear with your eyes
The one that speaks the truth.

Uninhibited Lady...

She is uninhibited
and her eyes are open wide
She blinks with innocence
and asks the question why?

No one has seen her heart
though she wears it on her sleeve
She's a liberal lover
she's got a heart that bleeds

He is alone, no family
that is how it seems
He's just the one she's looking for
the product of her dreams

Scintillating aura
hides a darkened soul
sick and twisted reasoning
seduction is her goal


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