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Qadesh Mistress of Pleasure.

She lurks in the darkness, waiting, waiting,
Patient as gold orb in her web;
I know she waits but dare not open
The door to the fate where I shall be led.

I close my eyes;
I close my mind;
But in the silence there I find
No solace from her piercing eyes
That stab the impenatrable with her lies.

I hear her speak soft to my soul
Command me clear her lust to feed,
Ope' the door, let desire take wing
My mistress sets my soul to sing.

I'm just a man so weak of will,
I'd take her flesh, fantasies fulfill,
Though the cost be high, my very soul,
I crave for the moment, lose all control.

So through the door my demon floats,
Canines sharp to pierce my throat,
To suck my life blood as I lie
Deep dying neath a mistress sly.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hello, Alex,
I like the tempo of this - I can almost hear and feel the rhythm of ancient Egyptian drums. The language is very direct, and she is very forceful. Smooth blend of rhyming patterns.
Thank you,

Thanks for the comments. This is generally the type of effect I aim for. Alex.

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