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The parking lot is not that full
as I exit from my car
wishing I had not worn wool
as winter sun warms the lot's tar.

Store's door opens automatically,
one less thing I have to touch.
Now that's a peculiar thought for me.
Time for the shopping cart and such.

I grab a sanitizing wipe
to wipe the cart where hands might grasp
a more than perfunctory swipe.
Cart's left wheel squeaks like an old hasp.

The list I have is not that long:
some hamburger, toilet paper an bread,
Their new scarcity seems wrong.
I turn my thoughts elsewhere instead.

Such as too many shelves now bare
and panic buying which makes them so
leaving little left to share.
(plenty of that "health food" though.)

And folks no longer in a group,
friends wave no longer shaking hands
as if their palms were dipped in poop.
See how far apart everyone stands?

Shortages of everything,
a Bernie Sanders looking store
a preview of what his goals would bring.
Hard to find what I'm looking for.

Outside the pollen falls and swirls.
Inside a guy lets loose a sneeze
earning a go to hell look from some girls
instead of a "God bless you please".

Two out of three things on my list.
Maybe hamburger will come another day,
a common target this day missed.
Check out lines are spaced out today.

New sneeze shield at the register.
Latex gloves on the girl's hands.
I am glad I am not her
exposed to all the viral strands.

She bags my stuff I say Be safe
then load the bags into my cart.
All the sanitizer makes my hands chafe.
Shopping has become a different art.

The cart's unloaded then returned
hands wiped again like all the fools.
Have all the old rules now been burned
in this time when covid rules?

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


usual scansion. Yes, we have to get used to all the new social rules, but the distancing from one and another shouldn't be so hard for this generation. They have been raised differently. When I used to drive taxi a couple of years ago, I would go by the bus stops and see everyone playing games or texting/talking on their phones. Not more than a perfunctory nod of the head for regular people at the stop. Matter of fact, in meeting the new generation, was something of a puzzlement for me as most of them didn't offer to shake hands or if you put your hand out, it was grasped in a limp-fisted manner, like they were handling a nasty wet fish or something. You seem to have covered most of the perplexing thoughts of an older generation. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

That when this is over that we can get back to the "old " ways soon

author comment

Outside the pollen falls and swirls.
Inside a guy lets loose a
sneeze(once only kind courtesy )
earning a go to hell
look from some girls
instead of a "God bless you please"

Covid slices manners
stan juss remember
ere you now sneeze for free

Had a nagging cough since November and am now almost afraid to cough in public for fear of a lynch mob lol

author comment

I have been coughing since birth
happy no complaints while coughing
from upper berth

You said it all eloquently. Can't but agree with every word.
Thank you!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Long time no see. Hope you and yours are all well and thanks for the visit

author comment

Excellent, sad but with irony and humour. Rhyming seems perfect to me. The title is fine and the content clear as, well, hell...So far, we haven't had shortages in my area, just some panic buying in May, but mostly returned to normal.
Yes, my hands get sore with the wipes. I make my own, 30% alcohol & 70% boiled water. Some people put more alcohol, but it's not necessary. Your option. Far cheaper than buying the stuff.
I know about the sneezing, because I'm allergic and sneeze a lot. Now my daughter does the shopping. Unfortunately, she hardly ever gets it right! But I'm thankfull she's next door.
Your poem is deftly written, no nits. Only to say that I'm rather tired of this
Take care, Gracy

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

I wrote this a couple of months ago after a shopping trip.And yes there were items the store lacked due to panic buying. Good thing your daughter is nearby and willing.......stan

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