Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


March top 10

This is a first
"The top 10 poets that submitted to Neopoet from March 1st - March 30th 2018"
1st -- Scribbler with 21 entries.
2nd -- Chevyvent and Iris at 18 entries.
4th -- Drey Hommies at 15 entries.
5th -- Raj at 13 entries
6th -- Lovedly with 12 entries
7th -- Trekker with 10 entries.
8th -- Weirdelf at 9 entries.
9th and 10th Valene and Sparrow with 8 entries.

April Contest... "Spring"

The April poetry contest will begin on April 2nd and end on April 26th.
The theme for April will be “Spring”
Any style and around thirty lines; [a few more or less is acceptable].
Use your imagination to create a perfect Spring or use the memory of a past one.

Keep it light and cheery!

The prize is a gift certificate for $25.00 from
The judge is anonymous and all decisions are final.
Please remember to include “April contest” in the title and click April contest
in the drop down menu next to save.

Random Thoughts

Okay. I have tried to work on a poem, but I have reached the bottleneck. Since I am still under poetic rehab as I call it (years of not being active in writing poems), I decided to post my first ever blog here in Neopoet.


I come on line here
and there awaits

I know it isn't to come
yet I still wait for
at least an echo

Alas I wait in vain
for those smooth flowing lines
from that transplanted yankee
but I Stiil wait

*It will be a while before I come to full realization of Lonnie no longer dropping by here....or anywhere


Hello everyone! I am working on a new idea for Neopoet's social media presence. It was suggested to me that I include some testimonials about what Neopoet means to its members. If you would like to say a few words on how Neopoet has impacted you and what Neopoet means to you, feel free to either message me or comment below. Please note that these testimonials are intended for public use, so if you would like your testimonial to be anonymous, just let me know.

Thanks much,

Critiquing Word Efficiency, Flow, and Content

Another from my old blog series. 
Of Critiquing Word Efficiency
Unlike prose (a short story, novella, novel, etc.), poetry has a more limited range of space. Poetry is not composed of complete sentences in paragraphs, and so, even epic poetry is limited by how long a line or stanza can be. With that in mind, a poet’s aim is to tell a story or paint a picture for their readers within those confinements. Using words wisely will help the poet to convey their message. 

Possible contests change

I know I'm the contest director but there is an idea I've been playing around with on contests with which I'd like to gain opinions and input from everybody.
Up until now contests have only been open to poems written specifically for the given contest. But i suspect there have been times when a contest has been posted and somebody(s) have thought "Man. I have a poem I wrote a while back that would fit this contest perfectly!" So here are some questions :
Should all contests be open to pre-written poem?

In Rememberance of Lonnie

It is with a heavy heart and grief we must inform the members of of the loss of one of our family members, and most brilliant poets, Lon Robert Bruso- Lonnie.
For those that didn’t know Lonnie he was, in his own words-
“Vietnam Vet / Hippie / Mountain Man. Outspoken yet reclusive, un-politically correct, will defend to the death things that I believe in. I love to write poetry and songs, sing, fish and watch old westerns. If I had my druthers I'd probably live 15 miles from Bigfoot's last known whereabouts!”

March Contest...

Please remember to put the month and name of the contest in the title when you post, then hit the drop down menu and click March contest "Ode to the cellphone.
This month's contest is an ode to cellphones and what they mean to you.
Within a few short decades the cellphone has radically changed humanity.

February contest winner

Please join me in congratulating the February contest winner Drey Hommies for his excellent entry " WHEN THE TANTRUM IS LOST ". here it is:

When the tantrum is lost,
gods become men,
They lost their youthful hue,
Divinity turns to humanity.

I'd rather return to infancy,
When I'd growl as a cub
Yet with my fangs and claws infantry
And wouldn't serve the pleasures of my heart.


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