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Return Of All Repatriates:

Home was not built in a day: Several nations, including Ireland and many nations of former Warsaw Pact in Eastern Europe, were able to improve their economies due to the time, effort and financial contribution of their repatriates. The developing nations, formerly referred to as Third World nations, that have been in a developing nation status for decades would similarly improve and enter developed nation status with the input and physical presence of their repatriates.

"Esker" (Know as Steve to many)

Words flowed,
From your thoughts most days.
Times of hardship had their ways
Yet through the clouds you shone.

A man singing your song
Now gracing heavens door
We still hear your words
We still follow the score.

Thank you young Wolf
Your cry is heard.
In the forests and glades
Cities where we played.

Across the world of poetry.
Thank you for being part
Of our days here.
Your presence felt.

As we journey on.

Uncontrolled Immigration

A news article in the BBC, some years ago, reported that even as thousands of young West Africans try to make it into Europe illegally each year with many dying en route, the European Union is set to open its first immigration centre outside Europe, in Mali's capital, Bamako. According to the BBC, the EU hopes the new centre will help the citizens of Mali find legal work in Europe and cut down on illegal migration.

Yoga (Your Optimal General Activity)

Today is International Yoga Day 21 June 2018 and the following paean to Yoga is more relevant than ever:

Yogic Logic:

It is not debilitating and draining
Yoga is fortifying and fulfilling.
It is not tearing down others defences
Yoga is about enhancing your senses.

It is not overwhelming your opponents
Yoga is overcoming your impediments.
It is not about material possession
Yoga is about spiritual ascension.

The Poet And The Apocalypse

if some form of an apocalypse ever happens
I'm going to be so screwed
I think this is how it would go:

with a bit of luck,
maybe, just maybe
as I drift from nowhere to another nowhere
I'll come across a commune
with gardens and fire, and maybe a typewriter

(many, many moons later)

Yes!, Oh my god, there it is. I've found one at last.
a quaint high gated community,
well, more of a compound with
watch towers and razor wire
but hey! as they say, 'any port in a storm'

Perverse Verse Averse:

As individuals, families or social groupings we all have our likes and dislikes and want to be in control of who we associate or are associated with.

As an independent individual, I have a strong aversion to profanity, vulgarity, and violence of any kind (including politically induced wars).

I am not alone in my desire to be surrounded by an environment of propriety, politeness and peace.

The following quotes by various personalities highlight their views on vulgarity.

Upcoming Critique Workshop

For those who are interested, starting Monday June 18th, I will be hosting a critique workshop. I intend for it to last six weeks with additional time for those who need to work self-paced.

Please check it out!

Critiquing Imagery, Literary Devices, and Syntax

(from my old critique series, updated to reflect my improved understanding of grammar and its long and complicated history)
Critiquing Imagery

Pauses and How to Signal Them

(an old blog, re-posted)

I don’t know about other folks here, but sometimes I have have trouble following along in a poem like I should. This mostly goes for poems that don’t have enough capitalization, line/stanza breaks or punctuation or poems that use these too much. I also don’t know if other writers intend the same pauses as I do when using the same punctuation, line/stanza breaks, etc.

The winner of May Contest...

Is gregwa8, for his poem Arcadian Ground.


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