Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


SUMMER FUN (contest announcement)

Hi folks
For July we're going to have a bit of a quickie contest. Let your ink flow freely as the only rules for this contest is to limit your poem to a maximum of 16 lines. Any subject. Any form. (please remember to put (July contest) next to title and to hit the contest tab. So have at it!........stan


Let's all congratulate Greg on winning the June contest. Here's his winning poem..........stan

Elizabeth, I'm Sorry (JUNE CONTEST)
Submitted by gregwa8 on Sun, 2018-06-24 01:49
my tongue is tied now
as it was then
around yours
in the library parking lot
my first French kiss
a language that I didn’t speak then
and still can’t

I swear that is is the most important workshop

ever run on Neopoet I is is Kelsey (swamp-witch)'s "Critiquing Imagery, Literary Devices, and Syntax".
I could give examples of how she use syntax, imagery, brilliant other devices to produce great poetry whowever the most radical concept she has introduced is kindness.

Kelsey has developed a form where she offers help with helpful corrections and with out ever being cruel of difficult.

Largely thanks to Kelsey and those others who have given their kindness and help Neopoet is entering a major new stage of development.

I repeat Kelsey's Blog.

Forgive me but this is too important to overlook.

I recently suggested to a member a 'trick of the trade', to spend a few hours reading some highly lyrical prose and some highly metrical unrhymed poetry, to put me into a prosodic mindset then try again.

What 'tricks of the trade' do you use to find the right rhyming pattern, metric form, or other prosodic devices to fit a poem you are having difficulty shaping?

Trial Run of Weekly Prompt for Fun

About a month back our friend IRiz had floated an Idea of starting Weekly Prompts

Those who like this are requested to express their opinion by using the Like option

In the mean time, while this idea takes a formal form and details are worked out and notified later by the designated Member of the committee.. I thought I would start this stream for fun sake..

For starters..Stan (Scribbler) has created the prompt of this week as

"through the night trees fireflies swarm"..

Joe Geremia

For those of you who remember Joe, he said to say hello to his friends on Neo. He misses you and misses composing poetry. He enjoys hearing your messages, so if you wish, please leave a message here and I'll make sure that it gets to him. He is still quite ill and not able to use a computer right now. Parkinson's always wins, but he's a fighter. Thank you.


Do not miss out on a great opportunity!

Kelsey's new workshop 'The Great, Big, All-Inclusive Critique Workshop' covers everything you ever wanted to know about giving 'giving', constructive, helpful critique.

Don't be put off by the optional extra reading, if you just join the workshop and participate you will learn how to be kind and helpful and sound professional at the same time.
Do not miss it.

June Contest problems

It has come to my attention that some people are having problems posting their poems to the contest. For a stop gap measure please post your poem to stream without hitting the contest tab but rather by being sure to put (June Contest) right next to title. This should allow posting if not please contact me via Private Message asap...........stan PS I have extended entry deadline until June 30 in order to give folks time to post who have had this problem

Anyone else having issues submitting Poems?

Hi All,

Trust all is well.

Please could anyone let me know if there are issues on the site when submitting poems?

I am trying to do a submission for the June contest and it will not Save or am i doing something wrong?
I saved a poem just fine yesterday, today......not so much.
Please help :-(

Thank you in advance

Yours in Script



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