Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.



The December contest winner is Chiori"s poem "25th DECEMBER". I hope you will all join me in congratulating this poet and this fine poem


My mind awaits fresh attire
The one am entitled to; every culmination of time,
The lightening trees worries me not,
But my neighbors in the glorified edifice
Put the oil in the crying pot,
Unleash the tied chicken for its execution is now,
a compliment for the waiting throat.

Critiquing and Peer Editing

Whether you are critiquing poetry or fiction in a creative writing course, or peer editing argumentative essays for your college composition class, there are some universal ideas (in my opinion) that will help you make the most of the critiquing experience. 
What to look for in your peer’s writing: 

Meery Christmas... Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my friends at Neopoet. Regards Roscoe....


Greetings all. Hope you all had a good Christmas. Today is the last day to enter a poem for December contest so if you have been putting off entering don't delay any longer.........stan

This is becoming ever more important to Neopoet. If you know how to record your own voice reading your poetry, know how to enhance the sound (it usually needs it) with Audacity or similar program and then upload it to SoundCloud or Vocaroo or similar site, or video for YouTube, Neopoet has accounts at SoundCloud and YouTube, please let us know.
Chris (vandiemenspeak) runs our audio and we need people not just to record your own and other people's poetry but especially to teach others how to do it.
Can you help? Will you?
Let us know, please.

One thing I love about Christmas

is that along with New Years Eve and birthdays, it celebrates that we have survived yet another reckless journey of 940 million kilometres at a speed of 108,000 kmh. Imagine that! We do it every year without even falling off the planet. Pretty fucking clever, I reckon.

How can I contribute financially to Neopoet?

We value privacy very highly here and develop a communal nasty little rash at the very idea of pushing ourselves on people or asking for money. You have to look hard to even find out how.
Help>Frequently asked questions>Question: How can I contribute financially? Can I donate? How do I get a premium membership?
Thank you very much for your interest. We carry a minimal amount of advertisements, and we do not receive government grants or other support. We exist financial because of contributions from members like you.


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