Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Mental muscle memory.

Think of learning meter like 'mental muscle memory'

When you learn something well enough you don't have to think about it.
You will have noticed there is very little formal meter in my poetry but because I know it it slips in when appropriate.
Many poets have an objection to learning meter because they think it will restrict them into formalism. Quite the the opposite, it expands your creative abilities.

It's not too late

It's not too late to join either of the really good workshops we are running at the moment.
I'm sure many of us have poems we have difficulty finishing or getting 'closure' with and can get help at

Baby Sunku debuts world wide

The brain child of our friend IRiz makes a world wide debut. Let us congratulate friend IRiz
A Sunku to express Happy Happy Joy Joy

Idea conceived
with eastern genes

are features
of this brain child

doll Sunku
debuts world wide


I'm Broadcasting Live in 20 Minutes

Hello everyone,

I'll be practicing a live broadcast talk show about the creative writing process at 8pm EDT on Twitch here:

You don't have to have an account to watch, but you do need an account to comment and interact live.

Here are instructions on making an account:

See Ya'll Later

Off today to get old knee cut out and new one put in. Hopefully be back in a week or two at most........stan

oo oo have you notice the new feature?

You can now see have many people have viewed your work.
On the Stream is says-
Read more, Add New Comment, x Reads, Bookmark this

On the poem itself at the bottom it gives the links to Social media and gives the reads.
Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, x Reads, Bookmark this, Nominate poem

Many have asked for this and it is done.

Cradle mountain diary

I realise/realize thiis is not a forum for poetry - but I've been away for a bit, without a reliable link up in Cradle Mountain, and made a few observations in my eye torn awe warped view of the sheer beauty of this place:

Naming a mountain. Cradle Mountain April 2018

“The Diners”

Rain wracked restaurant
Buffet slowed, bloating yet buoyant
After coffee, waiting, waiting
For the mountain to clear
And cool, cold to switch with warm

We wait, welded to our residence
For that peak to reveal itself,
Fully contented.

I've tried many times with varying degrees of success and abject failure to cover meter. I keep trying because it is the most important tool of our craft, much more important than rhyme. The very first poetry created by humanity came from the rhythmic retelling by Shamans of their trances induced by drumbeat. Well, that's the theory I attempted to prove in my MA Thesis and the examiners approved. It is also a powerful mnemonic aid.


As Robert rode down his birch trees
far in his northern Yankee land
climbing, then bending them with ease
their stance no longer straight and bland

Upon a time and place so far away
I have done so, too, with pine saplings
on a hot and sunny summer day
beneath shade enhanced by sol's dapplings

Sometimes not riding them to ground
just far enough to reach another
thus propelling self all around
from one pine to its nearest brother


to Jane 2106660 for winning the March [Ode to the cellphone] contest,
with her poem of "Balance of Power" She has managed to touch upon many of the
things that make them indispensable to our lives. Thank you Jane.

Remember when you enter the newest contest, that you should include [April Contest] in the title of your poem and click on the April Contest in the drop down menu next to save.


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