Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Download your Complete Works

Anyone, can download their own complete works on Neopoet at
Do this as a backup, we take all care Neopoet is not archival site and we do not guarantee the safety of works posted here.

Esker Memorial Month

For the next month I'm going to be posting people's favourites of Esker's poems or his feedback poems on the Neopoet homepage every few days.
Put in your requests here.

Tribute to the Wolf Spirit

I am of the nation
I travel far to find my family
Boundaries have we none
I knew you as you knew me
My Mother taught me so

I knew you, ” a ni wa ya”
You spoke in our tongue
But the words are of another
I am of the, “a ni sa ho ni” people
Yet I listen to you young one.

Your clan has been spread
Many left by the wayside
Yet you are still many
The largest arm of our Nation
You are our protectors

December Contest

Hi Folks. This month just think back to a favorite holiday memory. Then write a free verse poem not over 20 lines and imagery rich about it. Please remember to hit "contest" tab when submitting and to put (December Contest) next to title. So sharpen that quill and have fun............stan

November Contest Winner

Autumn must bring out the best in poets as this was a contest in which Many excellent poems were submitted. But it is unfortunate that there can be only one winner. The winner this month is "I FEEL THE SAME" by IRiz. An honorable mention goes to Chiori for "Naked Trees". Please join me in congratulating IRiz whose excellent poem is below :

I feel the same (November Contest)
Submitted by IRiz on Sat, 2017-11-25 12:52

It is the end of November.
I have exhausted my patience.
There are still
a few leaves hanging.

''We all have not come
to live for ever
but to live a life
worthy enough
we have to live through
must endeavour''

Thank you

can we have...

i. a list to view those on board ship?
(so's we can mess off to our hammocks when nowt's in progress)

ii. put me in charge of this pilgrimage
(to shed a little light and fun on your lean to)

iii. more poems from the short one
who secretly hates to love me, but can't resist.

iv. poems for the blind.

that's it.

A critique must teach you ultimately...
in improving your poetry/art /work

It is not necessary
for a critique too say
''you are a
self praise
pulling ones skirt up
like a gal
come ''read'' me
like an open book
kind sort of

This is base not criticism
by a critique
do you agree
or disagree

The critique must give suggestions and views
how to improve the poem/work

"Good Writers are Made, not Born" by Jill Parrott

The author-god, according to mid-20th-century language theorist Roland Barthes, embodies the Romantic notion of the artist to whom brilliant epiphanies come to be written down. In fact, at times throughout history, the best authors were believed to have been chosen and directly inspired by God himself.


Spam Accounts on Neopoet

Dear Neopoets, 
I have noticed over the past few days that new spam accounts which are posting spam advertisments for medication are coming up in the blog posts and flooding the stream. I'm afraid these users got past the guide program unnoticed and had the chance to interrupt the flow of the community's stream. 


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