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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Stand To Win

What do you stand to win?
And what will you lose?
Why challenge yourself?
It will be worth it in the end
Even though they doubt your skill?
I will prove them wrong
After all the times you failed?
I will get back up
Though you know what lies ahead?
I have gotten this far
To slay the greed of others?
To approach a dream
Why even try?
I stand win
To fall
To rise.


out here the wind knows all the names
of gesture
and shadows swallow the blue that
cries from the vaulted crown of night
swathed in fire

we creatures stir
awake from ghost dreams
with plans itching in our souls

the blacktop drearygrounds
spun in neon and skin
like the last tail
of sin to wash away the
sunwet kisses

ribbons of velvet darkness
and course street laughter

canyons of fear
deep and falling

The Caution Tape Means It's About To Explode

A strap of yellow with words of black should tell you that something's about to happen
But you're never around to see that any way, not many see that side
This place is a grey area, but arguments are welcome; we like to hear people out.
Welcome to a different side of the moon, a side you could only guess at before and might never understand
Still you’re here, so that’s encouraging
Maybe you’ll be the one to close your eyes and see me today.
This is my world where all are crazy and some have ink in their veins


As the winter nears its end
and time of new leaves fast approaches
on the southward shifting wind
the chore of clearing stones encroaches.

So one more fieldstone on the wall
to join with all its settling brothers,
this one the heaviest of all
but not much more than all the others.

This year's stone drops right in place
as if the spot were made for it.
In the past some others lacked the grace
to achieve such perfect fit.


Motivation pulverised deep within a low down beat
With snapping fingers and a saturday night strut
Mr high slides by.

He is filled with arrogance and swagger
He's indestructible 
A ladies man, a mans man, he seduces them all

Then he has them and the mask slips
His grip is vice like
Deathly it's hold.

His evil Hand drags them down 
Into the bowels of the beast
Leaves them there to drown.

for Hedy Epstein

The barbed wire of words
cuts deep into the flesh;
ask any Jew
her bloodline in the covenant
of history,
broken and betrayed
spat upon, and gassed
to death in the name
of the iron cross of hate.


Sprinkles of sparkling diamonds
Tossed from the tops of blue waves
Sun drenched skin of brown

My happy place
Refuge from the cold world
I shut the door

Batten the hatches...
The phone is off the hook
The door-bell doesn't work

Your voice is but a murmur
Distant seagulls drown you out
The breeze says no one's home

Wet sand at the edge of the world
Cool drink of sweet aloneness
Drunk from frosted glass

The door rattles from ebb of tide
The wreckage of life
Is swept away

Thought for the day (blog entry)

When you see a man led to prison say in your heart, "Perhaps he is escaping from a narrower prison." And when you see a man drunken say in your heart, "Perhaps he sought escape from something still more unbeautiful." -Kahlil Gibran, poet and artist

I think I Knew

“Yes, I knew” [LYRICS]

Not a word,
not a sound,
not a sigh.
no look back
no regrets,
not a cry.
out of the blue.
A surprise.
but down deep
I think I knew.

I could see it
in your eyes
In the lies
of your touch
and I knew…

"It's me"
you said,
"It'not you."

No good-byes, no regets
no look back.
I think I knew

Stone Garden

At first you were a bird, flying through the trees
Looking for the words to say to me
But I had felt that fear growing between us
So it’s been more than a year, still spaced by trust
And among all of those roses you laid
I was the tall fortress surrounding you

And then you were a stranger
From love to threatening danger
Then you became a tree
Stuck inside of me
Your branches grew like ivy all around
And in you I would grow uncontrollably
You became a home to me


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.