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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Lucky Stars

I thank my lucky stars

bless you for your good wishes .
When the time comes
let nature take its recourse
let's go back to the creator ,
without remorse .
Then let the docs gape
and faces may they make
what a fool,
didn't let them their dollars make .

but why delay
bear the pain
one day that final day
will come again

Morn awakes

Its early morning in the glittering forest and the winter lies thick on the ground
The stark towering trees mute and white
Cold wind is thick and is silent
Yet breathes frequent frozen sighs of solitude
The weary wolves slumber in their lairs
But the young cavort and frolic in the turgid chilly morn
Wide eyed eagles and somnolent owes sit motionless in the high boughs
Eternal and glorious Father
Smiles benevolently at the rise of the golden orb
The thudding mayhem of battles of yesteryear
Are replaced by a soft victors song


She used to fuss at him about
muddy boots and sawdust on the couch
how he forgot to take the garbage out
and hugs so strong that she'd say ouch

His hunting stuff strewn all around
(except when it was time to fish)
too oft he'd chase a baying hound
when calm and quiet was her wish

All those evenings by the fire
he'd scribble out his silly lines
about nature, loss and hot desire
when, with her, he should be sipping wines

Nectarous Agony

Sitting here finger snapping to a changeless bang
a sudden trip remembering how sweet it is to love you
straight down to the mole on your right ankle
the dilettante symbol on left forearm
the crazy silkiness of palms possessive feel
is the shit that keeps me running to you
i'm trying to forget the smell of kush
and how you manage a absolute diction
agile partnering for lexicant
producer of punctuated and accentuate a better use of verbs "action speaks louder than words"
breaking down feelings; our tit for tat

The Homeless Warrior

An old soldier
who has seen
the field of battle

Now fighting the war
to stay alive
on the streets

His rifle replaced
with a sign proclaiming
his service
in the First Gulf War
a cup by his feet

People walking by
probably pitying
the poor soul

Only a sweatshirt
and the pair of pants on his ass
to fend off the elements

A tattoo on his neck
marking him as
a piece of property
by his unit


suitcase rich
and heavy
thick with tapestry bold
laced up with history
weighted with years
with passion
dripping stained in lust

my tears fall upon the handle
when I'm at the middle of the lake
the moon soft and calling
when happier days our
lives did make

much happier now
the burden sinks
and waves ripple
caressing our link

and the witness stars

The Music of My Childhood

Memories rise up within me like lively bubbles
Of champagne bursting forth from a just opened bottle.
Daddy’s rich baritone singing “This Little Girl of Mine”
Fingers thrumming along the familiar chords and frets.

Going to the drive in movie for triple feature night
All ready bathed and dressed in pajamas for bed.
Waking to the growl of the engine as we start home.
Sleepily watching the moon follow me
As if it were a giant balloon tethered to my hand.

Sepia Tinted/Key to Heavens

Margaret Ann Waddicor
5th March 2012.

like that of religion
enhanced visions of a past
no longer tangible
we glance at pictures
reminders of our birth
and life now gone
enhance their worth with thought
drag back into the light
the positive
the negative into sight
it colours our presence
with its troubles, joys
but what we have is now
is here

** ** ** **



‎"The beauty of subjectivity
Is everybody gains.
It makes the bars of captivity
Decorated window panes.

Going To Loo? No I C U

Going To Loo? No I C U

why do you wish?
To live longer than your time
when ICU's become your home
all your savings go down the drain
you don't even know
still loved ones hope
that pension will trickle in ,
that's why doctors so many tests begin
as their pockets get football fat
they grin
then ask why this din?
the time to wind up
does now begin
goodbye to ICU
shall never be ever in.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.