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out here the wind knows all the names
of gesture
and shadows swallow the blue that
cries from the vaulted crown of night
swathed in fire

we creatures stir
awake from ghost dreams
with plans itching in our souls

the blacktop drearygrounds
spun in neon and skin
like the last tail
of sin to wash away the
sunwet kisses

ribbons of velvet darkness
and course street laughter

canyons of fear
deep and falling

Editing stage: 


there is purity in asking
punctuation colour in my monochrome world
like not wearing shoes in the snow

Im sad that i dont put in punctuation
a part of me that doesnt come in from out
there but sits with its back to the fire

I awake time and time again
from dreams rabid and hungry
and stand at the window
to watch the snow
the rain
the summer leaves whispering

how night is timeless
and that fear like a great shadow
falling over my intuition

Thank You Bella

author comment

Ah, how I have missed this... the anticipation of reading your work... then the discovery that you have so many varying styles, all of which hold so many pearls of potent emotive imagery in them... I love that about your work... & the way you don't follow well worn paths, just when I think I am getting a smooth hook on where you might be heading, there is a digression that is bright & revealing, like a lightening flash.

Again, I urge you to publish... anything... even a journal...

Your very loyal fan always, humbly enjoying the prospect of reading more.

Cheers, enjoyed this, in case that isn't clear!



My dear friend always told me "Water the seeds of joy first"

its always pleasing to recieve feedbacks about the different
roads I take with my writing
Some love being able to fall into the one sound the one voice
but the joy of life is the facets of imagination and creativity
that nature allows us
freindships if flexible
and a poetic ability to weave tales and stories
that are entertaining and suprising

I take great pleasure in writing and
one day may publish

Thank You Anni

Your Freind Mr Esker!

author comment

Hope so!


My dear friend always told me "Water the seeds of joy first"

Oh what a sunset.
The dragons of night consuming it
with their stiletto noises and fashions.

"The wind knows all the names of gesture..."

"shadows swallow the blue that

cries from the vaulted crown of night

swathed in fire"

O just LOOK at that sky
ending in the "deep and falling forever" of black night.

As aye transported Mr Esker.
Nordic cloud.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

"dragons of night" immense comment
I have enjoyed your sky too!!

Thank You

author comment

this reminds me of a play ground where my drum core used to practice. they'd give us ten minutes to set up, and we'd go as fast as we could to sit on the jungle gym and watch the sun go down. and the blacktop seemed to reach out on all sides forever, and the shadows stretched far and long. thanks for bringing me back there.

waited for the step daughter to get her hair done at a strip mall
cool end of June watched the sun set in the busy parking lot
directly to our right..and to our left the magnificent view of
night approaching like a dark hand of rain on a beautiful
moment of cloud....The hurt of that violet colour breathtaking
I would not have stopped or slowed in my restless nature to
ever have seen this.. She looked beautiful and the sky was
full of diamond glints....the dusk has never been the same

Thank You for sharing your memory

author comment

let us not step on her .
Beautiful words you deliver
Dear friend and guide


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