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This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Dyslectic Poet

Dyslectic Poet
I have keenly observed,
you always add
portions of a poet’s
it adds color to beauty
and perfume
sublime ,
as I now learn lovelier criticism of thine
as upon the delicacies of poetry
connoisseur of beauty,
I myself define .
you are the one and only one
immensely refine,
to let me know
if ever I shall be able to pen
in print,
a poetry book of mine
no jam ,no butter
Cat you could be
curt and bitter.

Witches Pride
(Reckoning of the Adversary

darkest heart
black as pitch
lying there
I saw you twitch

seeming still
playing dead
the scent of fear
'round your cowardly head

but I see you
you lying hag
pretending to be
a heap of rag

a hank of hair
a piece of bone
the only claim left
your fallen throne

you dirty thing
tattered and worn
wishing now
you'd never been born

Night's Secret Beauty, Rare

The moonlight pales
in the wake of your existence,
it's nice to be allowed to see your face.

Treasured seconds, too short
I'm sorry to report,

Fate's not this generous with, "grace".


My shadowy thoughts
dare not boast my heart includes
the wondrous likes of you;

while the shadows play
time drifts away,

while your spirit holds the moment, "true".


Then, within the pale;
and empty, hollowed dreamscape
that's solely, only mine;

I didn't know of eternity until now

Life is a dog-eared poem
and the sea is filled with marrow,
clinging like another skin.
From where comes this music,
echoing through my body?
How does it get
here, through that membrane
of silence, weighing down and
making melancholy into melody
making love into words
such as I am
the last chance to love everything.

Purple Fur! (memories stirred by Lonnie)

I saw a lady in a purple fur
Dancing softly on her head
Am I alive or am I dead

The thought occurred to me,
That maybe it was in my mind
How could I see with closed eyes
Because when I slept I was blind

I attempted to become awake
To my chagrin I could not rises
It felt as if I were in a wake
Hearing words that were truly lies

Is dead, dead,
Or am I dreaming I’m asleep
With time not marking
How long will I count sheep

Slugs and snails

The primrose and the primula
Are really very simula
But out in Wales
The slugs and snails
Make both of them look grimula



And all the heavens
stood watching
in awe
and in the silence
terror brings
they saw
you fall
whirling ever down
to this unholy ground

And deeper
into your hell
echoes of Judas cries
you heard
as you fell



E poi tutto il cielo
nel silenzio che porta
il terrore
che stava
verso la terra profana

Ed a misura al buio
si avvicinava
echi d Giuda

Silly me

No promises no pain, if it was so easy i would be in Haven.
It’s not your fault I’m so easy to broke, I wish I wasn’t
But what can I do now? Just keep my head undercover
And hope to forgive myself for falling in love with you.
I close my eyes and imagine that I’m in different place
Different skin, different soul. But it’s not gonna happened
So what, I’m just me, silly, stupid and naïve me. Forgive me.

Wondering... .May be Wandering!

I was wondering...
at this age

why we wonder about age
at this stage

all is a mental comprehension,
years is a mere number
old guys perform better
than many much younger

well maybe at some time...
in all and many spheres
including meter and rhyme

but then, what about that wall of separation?

The empath is victim of her own submission
she will go hungry with your hunger
and she will feed in the ocean of your despair,
her ribs will be your ribs; your agony, hers.
She will burn with your matches and
your heat-seeking missiles in the loneliness
of your hut where you have hidden yourself
in the blindness of your heart. She will war
with your peace until you have laid down all
your weapons, until you have lain in her arms,
embraced like a prodigal child. Like the return
of a lover after the third world war.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.