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soul handset
I hear the sigh and whisper
breath against my heart
as the day turns dark

you the hunter of the spark
the hardcore scrapes
the soul crash stark

when you smile you glitter
melting all the ferocious
and claim your mark

Promise me

Yesterday was Tomorrow
Today will be Yesterday
My life will cease meaning,
after my last breath

Your pain won't restart my heart
Tears can't wash away death
Screams won't supply me air
I can't come back

Stop your sobs
Listen close
Tomorrow will soon be over
Today lost in time
Let me go
I'll be a forgotten memory


Do what I can't
What I refused
Succeed Love...
Promise me

Babies that should have known loving

I wonder if you see my gifts most times
Cos you are lost - In the turmoil
Of your own drive to be enough
& I know how that feels
It’s a too common
Of our deprivation
Babies that should have known
loving & nurturing
A solid belief in a life worth growing into
I had to teach myself these things
& you in your way
You learned to survive
& I love your integrity
& wish for you so much more
not just Moleskins & Birkenstocks
but faith in yourself

The Memorial of a Brighton Hero

On an island
on the intersection of
Washington Street and Comm Ave
sits a large square
stone monument

It is gated off from
the rest of the world
with black cast iron fencing

Grass and flowers
grow all around it
two American flags
waving in the wind
next to it
on both sides

PFC Stanley N. Kaplan
engraved into the stone
along with other symbols
and epitaphs on it

Patterns on the Wall

by: c.m. mattison
When first you awaken
to the patterns on the wall,
They'll take you down the back stairs,
they'll lead you through the hall.
Like Alice's "Wonderland"
falling down a hole;
Then back through the looking glass,
in search of your soul!
And who could tell by looking,
at those patterns on the wall
That it really never mattered,
no, it mattered not at all?

A poem for Obatala-Obalajii-Kimathe-Jetta

blowing strong winds
a Jersey City King of Kings
everything . . . to cast his spell
yo! papa Obatala touching tentacles
chance upon this poet on an open forum
inside Harlem Botanical shops
beating for her lost voodoo box
enshroud earth, Virgo oils and pearls
adorn the day happen on
present Oshun crystal mojo, Vodka, chicken wings and Russian suicide writers

© 2011 Lepadah

His White Marble Headstone

At my grandfather’s
final resting place
lays an oval shaped
white marble headstone
looking as if it belongs in
Arlington National Cemetery

This slab of carved stone
marks many of the things
that have happened
during my grandfather’s life
including his date of birth
as well as his death

Among other things
it marks his service
in World War II
with the Sea Bees
of the United States Army

His career as a
founder and owner
of his own newspaper
with the moniker of “Scoop”

what would Bukowski say?

I've never read a Harlequin Romance
nor fucked the group-mind-think that
thought the Republican agenda
with Democratic pitch-the-dog-a-bone
and let-the tail-wag-but-say-nothing-drones
of-the-corporate empire that begat the
son of God. Jesus. How fucked up does it
have to get? And I'm lost in a bitter tea, swirling around
doomsday with nothing more to say except
that Bukowski should be raised from the dead
and piss away the last poem of the earth.

the first sigh of morning

breaking bread,
breaking waves,
breaking the light
in prisms
of affection

what energy
the moments
morning breaks?

a songbird lingers,

I do too.



He slipped his number
In your hand
“A handsome man
Of sixty-two”
Said you.,

You were only thirty-three’

You liked his Lauren and Armani
Were impressed by his Tommy
“Never saw nails so clean and shiny”
Said you
“Must have loads of money…

That was the end of me
Now he’s screwing you
And you’re “screwing” him
Just like you screwed me

By the way.
Did you know
I still cry over you,


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