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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Ambition Uninterrupted

Like matches to a cigarette
His emotions spark for all to see
Queasy in his stomach as he tries
To hide his sweaty palms

Adversity is a bitter cup of tea
He’s sick of gulping it down
His patience is hanging by a thread
As his thoughts run off course like a derailed train

Sorry, won’t do much anymore
He has grown sick to the insincerity
See, he has been walking on endless roads
So, there’s no sense in getting in his way
He’ll find a way to walk beside you



Let it happen once before,
It will not happen any more:
Did you really think that I was such a bore?
My heart wasn’t yours to take,
You see, it's really for my sake
That I must not let it happen any more-
Was it so hard to understand?
All I asked for was a friend
And nothing more…


Listen to the peepers sing
announcing their desire for spring
I see the first gold daffodils
are blooming on south facing hills
The pink blossomed cherry trees
bound to get nipped by a late freeze
The neighbors working loud and hard
mowing wild onions in their yard
People showing more bare skin
some so much it's near a sin
The first turkey gobble of the year
as breeding season's growing near
Robins seen in flocks and bunches
listening for some wormy munches

A voice in natural wilderness.

A voice in natural wilderness…

If nature could speak what would it say,
could it’s comments be about us today.

Would it say greedy,
or merely lost.
Maybe say needy
not understanding cost.

Perhaps it would shout,
death to a planet.
Caused by the ones telling the lie,
that a god had began it.

That man on this planet,
just should not be.
You just don’t belong here,
why can’t we see.


lean against the warm enamel
water beads

and the fan purrs
behind the yellowed

all lifes illicit


like the bitter bold
this pain that flows

and behind beautiful
while outside the
snow gently drifts

another drop
another breath
in the hollow
of the ache

the memory
that serves
to make

"Forever Plus More" *warning this poem is erotic*

To slide deep inside, to feel the warm wet.
The touch of your skin, I will never forget.

To feel your hips sway, to welt your ass.
To pound like a hammer, I want this moment to last.

To get lost in your body, to drown in your lust.
To learn every inch, and to nibble I must.

To follow your legs up, beyond your knees.
In between thighs, and under the trees.

I have trust in your mouth, and the things it can do.
Have trust in mine, and my serpent tongue too.

Requiem for a Relationship

The splintered echos of a secret
seem barely audible;
but on this night,
though it doesn't seem right,
my pain is now, multiple.

I ache for all you've been through
your secret's safe with me;
without a doubt,
it's finally out,
that alone, should've set you "free".

You're defined by your pure, negativity
coercing rumors to become, true;
you can't feel...and can't grieve,
so, you decided to leave,
like it was the thing to do.

Hew man smile

Hew man smile….

A man speaks
on wasteland,
not many listen
to his words.

Though his smile
is well liked,
and the rocks fall
to ground.
Shelter he offers,
they smile.

One person speaks
of wrongdoing,
no monies for shelter.
He smiles.

They like his smile.
He’ll build on
and smile…


Leaves playing tag in the cold wind
as they sprint across the ground
while winter nears its chilly end
last blast ere spring comes around

In airish skies cirrus clouds race
foretelling storms now on their way
often dimming the sun's winter face
on this brisk and blustery day

Shoulders hunch and ears grow cold
eyes squint against the swirling dust
lofted by a breeze grown bold
interspersed by howling gusts

Ducks at Play

Sleepy morning visions
of ducks at play
yesterday’s misery

Vapid imagines
of day-break dew,
I fathom fantasies
brand new.

Given my way
I'd savor
you, me,
and ducks at play.

Another Revision.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.