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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Complicating Poetry

Then twas okay
there wasn't much else to do or say .
.today there are scores of hobbies
games on the Internet to play
can't we all have our own say
in simpler nuances
if I may so say .....

My master taught me
abab ab abc abc then aaabb cc
then I took off from there
abcd.... dcba
then free for all combination
thus I created free verse poetry
for better or worse
still many stalwarts do read
my verse...
thanks to thee..

So Glad to Be with You

“Hello, how are you? I’m Emily.”
“Emily, it’s Bill. I’m so glad to be with you.”
That said we go for a walk.
Wind our way through the town, we
were born here, married, raised children.
Strolling past the cemetery holding our parents,
Emily comments on the lovely statue of St. Michael.


Renting space in the back of my mind,
Twisting, turning, making me blind.
Moving me backward and forward in time,
with thoughts of hatred, blood and grime.

Ever so tedious, never just plain,
Eating my conscience again and again.
When will this lift, suspension begin
This constance of evil that's brewing within.

Sea Of Gold

The larks in the morning,
praising the sun,
telling the world
the day has begun.

The heady smell of
the forest grove -
of trees, of moss,
sweet scents of old.

A bitter wind from the
north, so cold,
stirring up the
Sea of Gold.

Drifts of leaves,
piled deep underfoot,
the cry of the owl;
two-it, two-oo.

The huge lazy sun,
hangs low in the sky.
Coloured red and promising
the morrow to be dry.

To the Aged

As a boy I ran
foolhardy and strong
working with the aged
all day long

a song on my lips
with chatter so spry
"One day You shall
see You'll be old like
me" said one old
sage so quiet and dry

the stories I've been
and the places of bold
how how warning said
then Unheeded was sold
by my too busy heart
How my body had paid
for the task of the part


A drop of soul and dust did brew
The fruit of love was true
The delicate vessel I became
I carried alone our passion's flame

The breath of a dear one I did hold
I watched the magic unfold
That precious gift of unity
Of nature held then within me

Love-seeds under the starry sky
We sowed and I
So why did you do this, tell me, why?
Why did you let our love tree die?


What we crafted now asks of you
What do I say, what do I do?

crystals fall sadly (tanka)


crystals fall sadly
seep, stain thirsty earth's parchment
lost drops break black tea
dampen trembling note in hands
tears falling outside and in

Embodiment Accepted

If I were to have any choice,
ere the end beckons,
I'd opt for you as my nurse
as you come closer
clasp my hands,
the warmth shall flow between you and me
then surely death which eludes
will surely pass by.
even though with kith and kin of my own,
With you I shan't feel alone
the current seeps through my spine
and I erect as before .

~ Meadow of Yore~

I was captured by your sha
Chained by your magick
Your soul holds me fast
I cannot escape ~

I was so alone
Fire consumed me
as She sought me out
Dragons summoned me ~

I was called up upon the wind
My name echoed through the ages
My spirit melted into flesh
My psyche
became a sharpened sword ~

Her voice whispered,
memories into my heart
Her smell shocked
my brain with power
I seen her face
upon the ancient shore ~


Though you are now gone
loving memories shall keep you near
Until I see you once again
in another tomorrows by and by


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.