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Embodiment Accepted

If I were to have any choice,
ere the end beckons,
I'd opt for you as my nurse
as you come closer
clasp my hands,
the warmth shall flow between you and me
then surely death which eludes
will surely pass by.
even though with kith and kin of my own,
With you I shan't feel alone
the current seeps through my spine
and I erect as before .

Loneliness is a curse
but for those who live lives obscure,
I talk to even pets and feel lonely no more...
I smile and humor with strangers,
treat them with respect,
how so ever different may be our levels
I have no regret…
they feel me as one

of their very own

Despite my affirmed resolutions
should I cease to be?
Friend, to have had my last sojourn with you
shall for memories abide with me,
If as you all insist
we have a soul,
as nurse in the next universe
you shall continue to guide me.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Did I hear a cry for a companion free
To hold your hand because you cannot see
That the beauty we all retain in our ways
Will last us well beyond our Earth days.

Your thoughts are energy don't you see
They can bodiless, last for ever in eternity
Don't think that you would walk as you now do
Energy you are and this is you, so very true.

One day, or in the early hours, a voice will call you, as you heed it so.
To ask you to just let go, then you will find your true domain.
There things will never be the same, but you will know you are home...

Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

Lovely verse does energy rehearse
what you say
is so very true
the call is now overdue...
wish you knew
but the hour of release
is unknown
no one shall upon my remains moan
nor will i seek a sound ,
a voice ...
yours will be all around,
till then let me be free
the world is damning me
hope you can that see...


author comment

I think loneliness is a choice.
I loved this and I love Ian's comment too!

for the read and comment


author comment
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