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~ Meadow of Yore~

I was captured by your sha
Chained by your magick
Your soul holds me fast
I cannot escape ~

I was so alone
Fire consumed me
as She sought me out
Dragons summoned me ~

I was called up upon the wind
My name echoed through the ages
My spirit melted into flesh
My psyche
became a sharpened sword ~

Her voice whispered,
memories into my heart
Her smell shocked
my brain with power
I seen her face
upon the ancient shore ~

now know the Truth
things remain the same
Dead men can't return
to this mortal realm ~

am the Guardian
of a Gypsy, gone bad
Bloodline secured
Hierarchy established ~

I am the ruler of my realm
My crown is secure
Outsiders remain outside
This is the will and the way
of the Dragon ~

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Thank you Mark...I will look at those tense... I came to learn...

Dare To Dream

author comment

i appreciate the comments but on this one I seen her face upon the ancient shore is what i wanted it to say and thank you... I'm diffrent not that anyone might but i write dreams or travelings in say projection type scenerios and sometimes they are misunderstood....But thank you

Dare To Dream

author comment
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