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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Wade with me into laity
I’ll place a pond for you
in the place you sit
filled with droplets
of morning dew
Let the memory of our love
flourish in you like a vine
unencumbered by time
Let the clarity of the moment
wrap around you
Fill the fear now in your mind
Let it drown it in the timbre
of a voice you still remember
Just past your focal point
No further yet
than a handful of trying days
A small collection of setting suns
Borrow my best angels
Wrap in warmth of beating wings

I am a woman

shall not be afraid
to be defined
By the color of own skin
Solely by the content of the character
And truth soul
I am who I am-by the integrity
To look far beyond
Of the superficial beauty
Through the inner view
I am a woman
With the privilege
when it comes to carry
For offspring young
Inside a mother’s womb
I am a woman
That is not petrify
To speak of her mind
To stand up for what is right
I am a woman
Have lived through life
Walk through many other shoes

dose he?

<p>drifting off to sleep holding hands I find myself wondering. would he miss me or my body more Does he like me or the idea that he can help me or does he just want to use me till he can get someone better as I start to drift away I wonder does he really like me ?</p>

Many Summers Past

Many summers past, we were standing,
for each other’s dates anxiously waiting.
it was then our eyes did glance,
and their arrival we forgot, perchance.

it was then your eyes transfixed mine,
yes it was within our domain, we felt fine,
we stared and glanced and blushed,
at each other’s arms, naturally we rushed.
it was at the spur of moment God granted,
it was our union for ever which was supplanted.


You introduced me to all the stars I've ever seen
You kept my company and my nerves at bay
Looking up let a little boy forget the fear he felt
At the nighttime noises emanating up from the yard below us
Sometimes you shared your own fears
And although I felt the energy in those moments
It would be years before I understood
My fear wasn't from noises in the night alone
And yours was more like mine than I could have known
You deserved more. Maybe we both did.
From the world beyond that balcony

An Open Door

If I’m to live and breathe and cry
Made of flaws and stern resolve
Disappointments of my self
Inflated by this frantic mind

I have at least a million gifts
Within, without, yet unrealized
Treasures awaiting discovery
In some chamber sealed and dark

Traveler of thoughts may cover miles
Beyond the reach of other means
Inner space is strangely vast
Where gravity pulls stronger still

Emotions in Seasons (Difficult Feelings)

Standing alone
Brittle and cold
Like the winter wind
Rattling my bones

You made me think
You made me feel
And now what I thought was right
Doesn't feel right at all

I want to love you
I want to push you away
I want to believe everything you say
I'm afraid you won't stay

Standing alone
Watching the snow
I'm beginning
To not like the cold at all



a piece of
the Celestial Mother
in all womankind
the precious spark
you'll always find
in her lucent face
mistress moon
she is one with
her daughters
with the waters
of life
like creamy jade
she shall be
my muse
from now
until I fade.

Legal Addiction

How can I describe this?

Blood is no more running
in my veins,
but ink.

If water stopped to exist,
I won't panic, I have words
to drink.

The crumbs of metaphor
and imagery satisfy
my hunger.

After today I won't rage,
the "iambics" would calm
my anger.

If no more air existed,
I won't care, I shall inhale
my rhymes.

It's okay if all deserted me;
poetry is all I need to fill
my times.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.