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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Life's a Game

In a game of Monopoly, one tries to get property
If played properly, then wealth is acquired
All is required, is patience, and luck.
So, hope for the best, and do not rush.
To win in this life – a game...
You must have an ace up you sleeve
You can call me a cheat, but I’ll always repeat:
That to succeed, you must have to beat
All of the others - those in the game
Cos humans are wild and need to be tamed.
These games are man-made, and many I’ve played.
On a board of chess, there are kings and pawns

Spell- Bound

Some can do it well, you know
Rattle off letters in a word as
Easy as blinking an eye

I never could spel- that is!
Don’t really know if I want to

There are too many words floating
Around that are spelled perfectly

The only ones I ever thought of
Keeping we’re from my son

They read: I luv you Dad!

Some can do it well, you know,
Correctly place words on a page
As easy as picking up a store bought

To My Fear

Every day I wake up
To hell.
The constant hustle,
I know Too well.

I sense a darkness close
And near.
Is this something I
Should fear?

I am full of anger, I can feel
The hate.
This is my hand dealt
By fate

Another day turns into
Another night.
In the dark, never see
The light.

I try and break the chain,
I am free.
I can still hear the anguish
Of my plea.

So, lunch is on me then - eh?

suitably pursed,
raised to the correct angle.

She sits and sips the last dregs of
life she's just squeeezzed outta me.

A fitting accompaniment
to the thick slice o' succulent wallet
she's so elegantly carved out of my arse.

Dripping with greenback-
for those blessed with perfect diction,
her lawyer comments on the tenderness
of my sauteed sweetbread!


I wish I could pass on the family name
That unearthly being that can't be explained
But transferred from one pair of hands into the next
A sleeping creature that should not be vexed
But treated with caution and burning respect
With restrained and censored dialect
For should one drop of impurity fall upon it
Its temper would spring up and none would control it
And the heirlooms would be torn to pieces
And Insanity would break from all iron leashes
The string of genetics would be unwound


Wrap me in your gravity
This interstellar travel
Sailing on the galaxies
As time itself unravels
Your heat is burning like a star
Your touch provides the light
Careening through my atmosphere
This meteoric night
Be my sunrise and my moon
My lazy grateful dawn
Yet every night your silver shines
Back into you I’m drawn

Not So Alone

Criminal mind accused falsely,
tried by a hung jury.
Blind men of no valor,
only victims of circumstance.

Blank staring faces.
What is your question?
Or ponder this plausibility?
Reaction to that complication.

Refuse the participation.
This pain is not ours to share.
We are self-gratified.
Somehow carved out granite faces
disguise the truth of our ability.

In A Time

In a time where there's day and night.
A time with there may seem to be little light.
A mind may whirl with millions of thoughts...
Lessons to learn and things to be taught.

I'm unsure of where this path may lead.
Warning signs I feel that others dont understand I head.
Not all see the way things go.
But those that understand, they know.

Lifes so confusing, and thats just a fact

Challenge -Freestyle

A Life Learning Lesson



With soft felt ripples
Comes the swelling of awakened

Each tremor becoming a catalyst
Fed by silent smiles and
Unsolicited words

Ignited by thoughts of imagined
Happiness comes the



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