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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Oversharing (for Rose Black)

Let me present you the gift of my time
Most precious of all things I have to give
Tell me about all the struggles you face
Assaulted by trials while trying to live

Open the cover of well guarded books
Kept in the mind and bound lock and key
Study the stories between all the lines
Those pages all careworn are inviting me

I handle the volumes with delicate care
Preserving the copy that’s scribbled inside
Antique books that were pulled from the shelves
Plot lines and tragedies you’d rather hide


Gliding towards the destruction
That’s written in on my small card
I wonder who brought me to this ball
And why is it I wear no corsage.

Waltzing around the disaster
That the band is tuning up to play
I try to remember the fox trot
In the wan hope of dancing away.

The band is at rest but the music still rings
In my ears as well as in my mind
Though I dip and twirl just as fast as I can
I’m always a measure behind.

Fun Reel Humor

Four fellows went
invitation by heaven sent
we lived like neighbors
hi and bye
never a word beyond that

now all say hurry
the four have gone away

the queue is going shorter
don't miss your chance
no other neighbors may miss you then
when at the end of the queue you plan to remain

left like a desert rat
no one with whom now to chat
the smaller cats will meow
how do you oldie expect
a kiss from me some how

Oh Jade

Oh Jade, you had the world at your feet
Such shame, drink you didn’t beat
It hurts, your life’s now incomplete
Oh Jade, the price you have paid
You didn’t choose this life, didn’t want to die
So now in a grave you are laid.
You had it all, now you don’t
I asked you to stop, but you said ‘I won’t
It’s not that you wouldn’t, it’s a fact that you couldn’t
You won’t come back; I wish you had stayed.
I wish you were here, but because of the beer
You’ve gone, and for yours, my life I would trade


There are one thousand
pieces to this puzzle
of worldwide birds,
and I have locked together
heads, wings,
tails -

dazzling colors
nesting on a pure
white background
where they have

I pull the lid onto
the empty box and
run my hand across
the smooth rainbow
of feathers.

Never the Same

I’ll bring teeth with skin
to squeak us right by
Should patient planning
Go somewhat awry
And erasure for time
admittedly lost
To gambits made
At too high a cost
God grant us one set
of unblinking eyes
Plural and probing
Through careful disguise
Show me a world
I’ll show you a man
Whose penance portends
of no bigger plan
Suffering sunsets
Navigating nights
Living out lunacy
As we all take quite
A curious interest in
what might occur
If Atlas himself

Close Your Eyes My Dear

Close your eyes
my dear
and drift off into

For one day when
you wake
you will see all this
has been a dream.

Hold on to your
teddy tight
and dream of lands
so far away

become a prince or a
princess and rule
the world some day.

China Doll

In an unlighted room
Isolated upon the highest shelf
Cracked features illuminating
Against a starless sky

Porcelain tears glazed her cheeks
Frozen in time, for him alone
Occasionally, he'd take her down
Placing soft whispers on her neck

Love bombs exploded
Against delicate ears
Her hollowed body
Left longing for his touch

Time lingered on
And still she sat, collecting dust
Hanging on the promise
That he would come again


Now winter winds
Send me back inside
Restful reflection begins
Though the house
May keep me warm
A blizzard stirs within

Blinding whiteout
Buried in drifts
Bereft of proper gear
I trudge along
My psyche strong
At least another year

Snows will melt
But I remain
Encased in icy shell
Until the spring rains
Of my soul
Arrive to fill the well

The way of water

mirrored mountains gleam
ripples erase reflection
water moves away


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.