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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


My Demons

My demons are
ruthless be scared
when they come
into view

These demons need
exercise believe me I
have a few.

The devil is after me
yet I feel fine.
It makes me feel that
hell is going to be
my time to shine.

I Call Home

Down, down in the dark, I call home

I am surrounded by quiet stones

The bones they do not ever bother me

I can be whoever, whoever I want to be

Stones etched with weathered names

Why they left, from where they came

With dates to mark the passage of time

Of their lives and of my decaying mind

One stone has no name and no date

On someone, it calls and does wait

Then, then I will be where I call home

Just resting with all the other bones

Beautiful Eyes

There's beauty
in each one's eyes
so we see differently

to ensure
we don't dwell

in an indifferent
mundane world

we all are beautiful

Get to the Treasure

I fall to the ground, my tears fall with the rain
Life slowly leaves my body in the day to day drain
I fight all the voices that say I'll never be enough
But they're winning the battle, I want to give up

But then when I get where I'm headed, that feeling
Makes up for all the joy that pain has been stealing
You have to go through storms to get to the treasure
Sometimes you gotta feel pain to get to the pleasure


Roaring is left to violets
When kittens kill the lions
They could never be
Gardens bloom unfettered
Paws that bled remember
Earth anointed cinder and ash
Gray has no patience
For bloods brooding hue
In a black and white world
Fire's feeble memory
Serves not the inferno
The garden remembers
Swans circling vultures
And the jungle grows back

The truth

A gloomy start, is the part, where i get surrounded by the dark, no pathway is clear, no light to be seen, but you come over and step in between, the walls are so high; I feel like I'll die, I'm trapped in a cage with no known escape, the color of red is seen on my head, but why do I feel so mislead? A blanket of trust, made from cotton, would soon disappear and be all forgotten. like a wrinkle in paper, The damage is done, but when it's your turn, it isn't so fun.

Something In The Mist

There is something
in the mist
I can see it in
your eyes.

Why hide behind
the anger and
all the little lies.

I love you my dear
forever but
I can see there
is something wrong.

I am yours forever
so please stop
hiding all day long.

My love for you will
never change
but I hope the mist
will fade.

Come back to me
with your smiling
face from the mist
that's dark and damp
with weight.

Love Story (FedEx Edition)

Walking in our front door,
a multi-colored package in my hand
promising something has arrived for someone

“Is that something for me?”, her playful query
“No, it’s just my meds from the good doctor.”
“Still seems like a gift for me.”, her reply


Sunrise is still the coldest hour
so I throw a scarf around my neck.
This trek will lead where poplars tower
whose now dull leaves moulder their deck.

A hard frost looks almost like snow
and sun spears pierce trees' canopy
reflecting with an icy glow
as I approach a huge beech tree.

I look up to check what I might see
within a sky of cobalt blue
while just a few clouds float and flee
where the autumn flocks once flew.

Treasure Map...

Shivers breeze and then away
pearls strung out for eyes
Too late, the hesitation now
tracing flames down velvet thighs

She feels the fire licked feathers
stroke her lovely skin
The scent of love lies snugly
in the bed within

Spilled treasure glistens wetly
a map of jewels is found
but pleasure will not wait here
for love to come around

The trail of tears follows them
as realization hits
A moment's indiscretion
has torn a friendship all to bits


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.