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The truth

A gloomy start, is the part, where i get surrounded by the dark, no pathway is clear, no light to be seen, but you come over and step in between, the walls are so high; I feel like I'll die, I'm trapped in a cage with no known escape, the color of red is seen on my head, but why do I feel so mislead? A blanket of trust, made from cotton, would soon disappear and be all forgotten. like a wrinkle in paper, The damage is done, but when it's your turn, it isn't so fun.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
[This option has been removed]
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


The imagery is strong and I can feel the pain in this. Thank you for sharing.

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