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The stream (all workshops)

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Shadow Mirrors (by: eddy styx)

shadow mirrors
in my tortured mind,
reflecting not
what I hope to find

a broken frame of
shattered glass
mysterious picture
from days long passed

photograph faded
on yellowed curling page
a face long lost to time
a face frozen consumed by rage.

All this long time
an eon spent
in shadow mirrors
a soul is bent.

In shadow mirrors
my soul lays rent...


Cleanse this soul with inward search
Leave the doubting in the lurch
Springing forth with new life soon
Purified ‘neath February’s moon


Tick tock
The clock pushes
Its hands against all time
Slipping away we lose the days
Tick tock

Don't You Dare Quit

You can cry and you can scream
You can beg and drag yourself along
You can bleed or you can crawl
But don't you stop singing that song

You won't be victorious every time
You won't always leave with the win
The true test of a passion is losing
And then getting up and trying again

Tears slip from your eyes in the rain
But your goal don't you ever forget
You can do anything if you keep going
Friends, Don't You Dare Quit


let your weddings
take the witnesses
my murders don’t want
words don't let us down
it's the other way around
as we play chess with echoes
of the best ones we've had
cuts given gleefully
gotten and glad
scar over swiftly
but seldom sink in
cards held to chest
burn into skin
bluffing gets gone
when the tells
have been told
what then is love
but the words
we both know
how many witnesses
do you think you need
I just want one

Not really

We don’t change, not really
We age as we must
Time possesses us a surely
As it turns us all to dust
Once we were young and thought that we
Would be this way for ever
But time plays his tricks to see
If this world we could weather
So we drifted far apart
I was lost and all at sea
You managed to make a new start
Husband and a family
But time was not your friend
And you found yourself alone and lost
Everything must have a end
And everything a cost
Separated by time, we found each other

The Clown

His nose was red and his cheeks were too
His brain was big, just like his shoes.
His mind, was burdened, which was then worsened
Every time he was mocked, every time he spoke
He was harassed and embarrassed, but had no choice
All he had, were is clownish looks, and his stupid voice.
His mood was blue and his shoes were too
His eyes were brown, and he always frowned
People would shout, turn it upside down!
And the clown replied, I’m not gonna lie
It’s cos I think that my mouth is round.


Eminent professors ev-ery-where,
even those bound to the chair,
all agree whid liddle ol' me-
we'll all be fucked even-tu-ally,

We're gonna die - we're gonna fry
pucker up n kiss yer arse g'bye.
it's difficult to comprehend
jus' when this shit is gonna end,

In a ball o' fire we're in the mire-
JEYZUS MAN,, we'll all expire !!
it may be quick o'er in flick;
clock is ticking tick tock tick,


I just heard docs silently whisper
now nothing one can do
shift her to the
in the ward
as just another one
lady once...

what a decision
not even a private room

''There is no cure for Birth and Death but to enjoy the interval...''
so spoke my spouse.....''

an offering of sight

I yearn for sleep
the kind you get
when you wake up
wondering at the day,
when your dreams
are outlandish journeys
that never end

Where your world
is the best of spent youth,
and the exclusion of time
heals the soul that grieves,
at the first deep breath
stars fall into your eyes,
where the ringing phone
is a call from your Mum,
and the knock on the door
is lost family coming home


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.