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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Wattle scented nights

I sit here, in solitude
the wattle once more, wafts
coiling into the valley,
I think of him, aye,

once, whiskers
rubbed my face,
rugged hands
traced with ink
stroked my vellus,
tattooing his face
into time and space
is the ache in my spine,
stars once danced
creating galaxies
in my reflection,
my blood flamed
with the Aurora
of his presence,
but shadows run into
the line of my face,
hunger for his scent
burned holes
in my soul

Answer Me

Can you see but close your eyes?
Can you hear but close your ears?
Can you speak but close your mouth?
Answer me.

Ceiling Crickets

To the crickets on my ceiling, who sing when I’m asleep
I want to thank you for your song that you compose for me
Each night, I lie and hum along to your sweet symphony
And ponder through the things I’d do if I could live life free

I’d wander through an open field, I’d span and soak in seas
Taste slowly – every sip of rain, and climb like vines on trees
I’d bask in dampened sunlit sands while waves lap at my feet
And do whatever I would like, whenever I may please

Illusive Presence

Soulless eyes that
Pull at my heart strings yet
Sends endless shivers down my spine


Miracles are found
In the darkest night
And are bound to return
In the brightest light
You can feel them passing
Through your heart
A simple sign
God has played a part
The part of compassion and empathy
That give our spirits rest
To release our inmost feelings
Whether we understand or not
They turn into good deeds
Which pass through our hands
With the receipt of peace
As we humbly
Kneel at His feet!

Fear Not Death

Death is like a dentist’s injection
fear of long needle
brought from behind
dentists back
a jab
a slight ouch pain
then all ends

so does this happen with life,
I have physically experienced
ten minutes of death
from being…
to nothingness

sorry no heaven
no hell
no death
neither angels
nor Gods
nor any wife or friend
just none at all
a dead rat- like experience
that's all


Stone-cold, in the Earth, I will lie someday,
while the Moon and Stars and the Milky Way
will glow o’er the trees and the White Snowdrop,
and the Wild West Wind and the World won’t stop.

Bleached white, all my bones, in the grave they’ll lay,
while the sand on the shore and the ocean’s spray
will whisper and sigh in a salt sea shell,
a secret they'll share; to the trees they’ll tell:

Reading Your Poetry

I have read your words
so clearly penned in

yet, as they leave their footprints
over endless shores

likened to valleys of eternal wildflowers
shards of metal heaved in cold piles
fresh bloodstained battlefields
children's tennis shoes tossed about at the playground
rows of carefree umbrellas on the beach

Apple Pie

Fall down
From the tree
Gathered up by hand
Cleaned before we eat
Cut into small pieces
Placed into a fluted pan
Baked with delight in a formed crust
Set on the table to be eaten
Always remembered as a homemade treat

Shadow Mirrors (by: eddy styx)

shadow mirrors
in my tortured mind,
reflecting not
what I hope to find

a broken frame of
shattered glass
mysterious picture
from days long passed

photograph faded
on yellowed curling page
a face long lost to time
a face frozen consumed by rage.

All this long time
an eon spent
in shadow mirrors
a soul is bent.

In shadow mirrors
my soul lays rent...


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.