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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Wicked waters
Drag me down underneath
Moral compass shattered wholely


I hope you find what you're
Looking for.
I hope love never becomes
A chore.

I hope you can find
Your way.
I hope you have the right
Words to say.

I hope you find that special
I hope you never hold a
Smoking gun.

I hope you are kind to
Your heart.
I hope when you love it's off
The chart.

I hope you truly understand
I hope you pay attention to
Your health.


After you left
I thought of you as I

gazed at the moon
feeling every inch of the

238,855 miles
in between


The most beautiful in all of creation
They await their time to shine
And when that time is up
They give up the reigns in peace
I have always loved the stars

And I have written a song
A song for a heart that like mine wails
A heart that feels like the whole world is against it
That even the gods themselves have conspired against it
For the eyes that look up at the sky
When people are warm in their beds

Footprints on the Moon

It's going to be a risk wherever you go
They're going to say that you're all show
You'll always be too young or too old
You fall into doubt and the fire grows cold

When you turn the tables, they rearrange
When you figure out the rules, they change
And when you finally grasp it in your hand
It seems to slip through your fingers like sand

First Friends

Can you dance Mr. Bear?
Yes, when I find some honey in a tree,
or wherever I discover it

My button eyes
and felt covered nose
are more keen
than they may seem.

Is it sweet like me,
this honey, Mr. Bear?
Yes, and I would always share it with you.
I really don't mind.

The Poetry Committee

It was two minutes to midnight
When I composed this ditty
Weary and bleary eyed
Was not feeling very witty
A final draft after editing
Submitted to a committee

In the morning they will meet
To examine what I wrote
If the members decide to publish
It may go to a vote
Will they be unanimous
Hope it’s a positive choice
The chairman has a veto
The committee has a voice


Parents conceive young ones out of love
They educate them with great care
They protect them without thought
They punish them at times
They cry when they fail
They smile with them
They bless them
They pray

Ah a Celebrity ----So lonely NOT ME

you will be more
if ever you became a celebrity
seldom think of being one
in worse solitude you will live
believe you me

Solitude is only a stepping stone
of being lonely

a celebrity read so suddenly
by all in a position
such as
you want to be
no panacea

you'd want or desire
hanker for more
who will give ye
just think
will thee
be never a
don't curse me

Half Past Midnight

It is half past midnight, and it is raining

Blood is flowing somewhere; it is staining

Beneath her feet, the red is steadily flowing

There is no sign of it ever slowing

It is leaving a stain that will never go away

It will still remain even after the break of day

At half past midnight, no one is around

No one to hear his awful death sound

She left him lying dying on the floor behind

She closed the door with no regret in her mind

He soon realized what she had done

She had ended their love with a gun


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.