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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


I Disremembers.

Where the devil did I put it?
I had it here last night
I know I put it on the shelf
But now it's not in sight.

Which one of you has moved it?
I know it was not I
Someone must have picked it up
And somewhere else let lie.

Oh! Where the devil is it?
You know the thing I mean
A rusty wooden handle
And head of mottled green.

What do you mean I did not
Put the thing away
I scarcely ever forget things
So what is that you say.

Llandudno, the land of dreams

Llandudno’s is a foreign land,
with language you don’t understand,
but deep in love with her you’ll fall
when you have heard her deep heart’s call.

It's by a sacred, surging sea
of sacramental symmetry,
with sandless beach of shingled stones,
as burnt and bleached as dead men’s bones.

It has a rusty, old, grey pier,
a remnant of her yesteryear
when walkers had more time to kill
and days were longer, calmer, still.

Every Fibre

You inhabited every fibre of my being
Physically emotionally spiritually
From when we met
We were conjoined one body soul and mind
We got under each others skin
We peeled away the layers
until raw humanity melded with raw humanity,
no pretences left
The sum of us was so much more than me and you
We were a new a vibrant entity
Ready to live out our dreams
Conquer any fears
Take on the world
A force to be reckoned with
In all that's good
A self contained unit.


Reaching back
touching truths
from the darkness
left behind
and yet it seems
that I might need
more to relieve my mind
once again alone
I face a bitter trial
there's no one to cry out to
I can't just run and hide
to face the truth
is bitter
it leaves a trace of
I take a breath
and count to ten
the anger soon subsides
resolving to make
a simpler choice
just leave those words


Best way to pass time
is to waste it
about a small waist...

Verbally Constipated

Verbally constipated.
You want my story.
Sorry, it’s too complicated.

You would get lost in my mind.
On its roads the good guy
Is left constantly behind

You ask what I think of me?
Best to not concern yourself
With an imprisoned fool
That has been set free.

Why are you chasing words?
To prove my strength
Heck if batman offered me his cape.
That wouldn’t be enough

You ask what about all I achieved.
Still being processed
By a mind that’s been deceived


when for you
a war it must be
you'll have an ally
wherever I am
whether or not
you love me
whether or not you ask
even for the war of
what does it matter
point out for me
the line and on
which side we stand
of all that I could be
today and all I've ever
been I'd want only to
be a painkiller for you
it somehow kills mine too

Personal Notes on Angels

I don't know any angels.
Not like the ones in the Bible.
But I have met some who must be.

They have helped me walk through underlying worlds
of pain and decay just under the surface
of all the beauty I see in another sunrise.

And to appreciate the wonder I've felt
being next to those that have no wings or halos
or other decorations to show me.

Sometimes, I Cry, and That's Okay

Sometimes I feel like I need to cry
And that’s okay.
Those are the days that I look forward to the most.
Those are the days that I need the most.

You taught me to stuff my feelings away
Because they weren’t as important as yours.

You taught me to hide my face
Just to save face.
Because you needed a smile on your mask.

You taught me to keep my throat locked up
In fear that I might say the wrong thing.

Curse of the Shu-Shu...

A big and black behemoth
looking like a hearse
Incongruous pearl-white top
couldn't have made it worse

My sister's daughter Julie
Couldn't say her name
her little mouth said Shu-Shu
I laughed and was to blame

She thought it awfully funny
when Uncle Guy would laugh
Shu-Shu sister Sheila
wasn't mad by half

A curse brought on by Shu-Shu
everytime she wanted rides
Transmission faults and batteries
flat tires by the roadside


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.