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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Quiet Genius

I am, the least of your worries.
If You know how to talk exciting.
I could save You tears.

Just like the cherry tree blossoms.
I could look.

And see and touch,

your idea.

Thanking the Masters

Ernest Hemmingway: 1899-1961
John Steinbeck: 1902-1968

Thank you Ernest for the gifts you gave
The beautiful paths you paved anew,
And all the scenes your words described,
All the places you took me to.

Thank you John for your thoughtful prose
And the seeds of wonder you would sew,
Thank you for the trips we shared
From East of Eden to Cannery Row.

Hemmingway's and Steinbeck's words
Their master's touch on full display,
Have given readers so much joy
And their wonderous gifts live on today.

The Cat with Eight Lives

At five years old Lucky grew wise
If rumours were steadfast and true
But it’s not just the east, where whispers deceive
Your senses and alter your views

At birth he was given, a name that was bound
To catch him off-guard and reveal
To believe every word, is just as absurd
As a cat growing wings like a bird

Each morning at eight, lucky would wait
For the pigeon he’d come to resent
At the top of the tree, he’d perch to escape
So, he planned a cunning accent

The Air I Missed Breathing

the bells aren’t loud enough
to scare away the birds
and bring the boys home
for dinner

she’s starved, herself
but won’t bother to set the table
if she hasn’t got seats to fill

She rings the bells once more
and washes her hair
As she waits fruitlessly

the worry pounces from her heart to her feet
as she waltzes between the furniture
to grasp the front door
and swing it on its hinges
but she won’t say a word
or even bother looking back to shut it

High All

Unwellness Today
an exciting poem
shall post next day
I may only if...

I just woke up at midnight
many read it
but no comment
so out of bed
now I said

read my poem this
tomorrow may,
may not be for me
then y'all feel sad
the poet swept
without a sigh
you could have just said poet....

Doc extended said
not yet ten days rest in bed



If today comes as yesterday,
Gracing time in second chance,
Sparing moments to right the wrongs,
And wrong the rights.
Thinking shudders, brightens,
Ever afresh, correction, towards perfection.

If today comes as yesterday,
The present playing the past,
No future for now, just time repeté
If it can take place from tomorrow,
If only, just if....
How? What will they do?

In my room!

A train in the distance makes a lonely cry
I sit alone in my room and push out a sigh,
when I was young my life had passion
for people and friends, now that just feels old fashioned,
but giv'n a bit of light and a little more time
my heart reconnects with something divine
I can feel that my mind is gradually healing
the fear I've retained is no longer appealing
my hope is renewed, and my heart is believing
in refreshing new vistas, my mind is conceiving!

In the Land of Chaos

In the land of chaos, where darkness reigns
And fear grips the heart with icy chains
I wander lost, through a maze of despair
Haunted by demons that lurk everywhere

My mind is a prison, my thoughts a curse
A never-ending cycle, a relentless hearse
That carries me deeper into the abyss
Where hope is a memory, and joy a myth

The shadows whisper, the silence screams
And I am trapped in a world of shattered dreams
Where every step is a battle, every breath a fight
Against the demons that haunt me day and night


I close my eyes to see the devil.
It is the fear that poisons us.

Could I survive the night,

this time.


Separate brick from bone
shattered from broken
unbreakable from just bent
Test when the gentle man
subverts the strike of
a hand with cause
when a languid lover
might submit to
some stolen power
a perception shift
Archaic ideas of weakness
failed to make you fit
To see past a forest
made of me
what trees are
who to believe
A view I let you see
Whisper to my simplest self
Clear my way and mind my mark
Lightning in a library
while you lick your lips


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.