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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Garden Of Madness

She walks in the garden of madness

She has not a single tear in her eyes

She smiles every time you see her

She hides her sadness; she never cries

She sees her future out before her

It does not look all that very bright

There is only darkness around her

The Sun always hides from her sight

She taps into her illusions inside

She lives them like they were the truth

She uses them to cover up her scars

A salve she uses to make her soothe

She always is looking down at her feet

Nikita, Little Star

You burnt too briefly, little star,
shooting from a land so far.
Like a breath of spring you came;
Nikita was your lovely name.

And gentle child, we loved you so;
it broke our hearts to let you go.
And on the day you sadly slept,
so many bitter tears we wept.

Your small, sweet soul, without a sound,
sailed silently, for heaven bound,
where sinless souls of babies dream
and little stars do glow and gleam.


Makes one happy
Beyond thinking of self
Learning about someone you call
Your wife

The Devil You'll Find

The devil, you’ll find
Is really quite kind
charming and
handsome to boot
Irreverence is his
A blessing he’ll give
When you find yourself
Filling his shoes
Be dismayed or deplore him
You cannot ignore him
In the moments
That might have been yours
He'll turn to the choir
When there's no one in the pews
Pious legs too spent from spreading
Can't remember how to choose


I saw myself
In the reflection of a window pane.
And I found it strange
What was looking back at me,
burning through my skin with its yellow gaze
Is that really me?
flesh that is never freed.
surviving yes,
But never alive. Never feeling.
Who is that?
Who have I become?
I would give anything,
to be someone else,
to be better. to be good.
someone who is justified and understood,
I want to peel back my skin and
Reborn anew

Nightly Routine

Nose stuck in a book

Don't want to take a look

Just want to stay right here

And to disappear

Into this world of make-believe

Where I can be anyone I want to be

And do anything I want to do

So please just leave me be

And let me stay

Nose stuck in my book!


One day, when all the poets die,
and there is left below the sky
just waters, kissed by lunar light
that gleam and ripple in the night;
let this, for you, be poetry.

When pens and quills have all grown cold,
take autumn’s glades of gleaming gold,
where fragrant fires and balmy breeze
do burn and breathe through trembling trees;
let this, for you, be poetry.


Baseball should be great this year
With all the changes that appear

Pitchers can no longer take up time
But now must toe the line

Batters can no longer step aside
Or continue to the pitchers chide

Infielders must be on either side of 2nd base
Not just move anyplace

Bigger bases allow larger spaces
Allowing players successful races

These changes little they may be
Enable watchers more time see

We are not tempted to change the station
We now can apply more concentration

My Nan

My Nan
My Nan was lovely
She used to say
Five and 20 past the hour
A splinter was a spell and
an excrement was a busy

My Nan was lovely
She used to smell of Imperial Leather
flowers and urine
She would push the VHS tape with her walking stick
that always fell away

My Nan was lovely
She used to knit and drink tea
With the bag left in, to stew
Don’t be rotten! She would say
when she didn’t get her way

Shadow of Darkness

The past, a shadow that haunts my soul
A weight that drags me down, a toll
Of memories that I cannot escape
Of mistakes that I cannot reshape.

The shame, a poison that seeps within
A darkness that consumes, a sin
Of actions that I cannot undo
Of regrets that I cannot subdue.

The past, a monster that I cannot face
A demon that I cannot embrace
Of secrets that I cannot reveal
Of wounds that I cannot heal.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.