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Inner Demons

I can feel the pain running down my spine

I can feel the darkness taking over my mind

I can hear the voices inside of my head

I cannot believe the things they have said

They make me act like I am a righteous fool

They use me as their unwilling tool

They make me dance to their evil melody

They are cruelly and slowly taking over me

Soon my inner demons will break out

For the worse for humanity, no doubt

The most pregnant event that occurred...

in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
recorded July sixth nineteen sixty
upon birth of she who doggedly
pursued me to the ends of the earth
and what not take no as an answer.

Unbeknownst to yours truly
a baby girl got born
sixty three years from aforementioned date;
she automatically triggered
excited buzzfeeding murmurs
heard amidst the madding crowd
patiently awaiting to secure their eats
at none other than Horn & Hardart
offering their house special,
albeit free of charge;

Prayer Works

I wanted to help
But found it so difficult
To watch her be sad

My heart is broken
Feeling powerless to help
Prayer was the answer

I prayed very hard
Placing my hope in my God
To remove her pain

Little by little
She began to show progress
Frowns no longer showed

She projects more love
Showing us that prayers do work
She now laughs and smiles


It seems I'm incapable of dying or living,
Fought the lies, now back at the beginning.
In pain in the present, head stuck in the past,
Still endlessly hoping the torment will not last.

Sleepless nights follow lonesome, empty days
still trying to stand by the promises we made.
I miss you, but wonder if we are still the same,
Words so full of hate, battles so full of blame.


I will tell you how
I thought of you today -

as if a thousand wild horses
approached from an unknown distance

storming their way closer,
thrusting onward and into my mind.

I closed my eyes,
the ground trembled at my feet,

and there was your earthen
essence, settling on my waiting lips.

The universe exploded,
I completely let go,


as if I'd never
exhale again.

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time, when men were gods
Their annoyance was like thunderstorm
There was hen-night but not for the gods
They’re the liege thread-worms in her heart
And pedantically keen on the archaic art to give her anaesthetic dose.

They’re known for punishing offenders
Without rewarding obedience
And cared not for her progress
They killed, maimed and impoverished her
Without rewarding her devotions
She offered fowls, goats, and rams
But gave her nothing
Except the power to undo her fellow.


I want the moment love ends
all alone in a room
bathed in artificial light
angry green and
mustard yellow
venous red
paint me a story
about finding the way
woven through the words
a stranger will say
ten years from now
make it blue but smooth like
forgiveness and fading chances
for the feeble still given to hope
our day gray for the
jaded and grieving waiting
for the world to decide
what they'll be
soldiers like us in the war
at the edge of all things


The other side of my shadow,

a demon peeking around the corner,

I took a walk in the meadow,

feeling like inside possessed by a foreigner,

now its time to crawl down from the hill,

a new mountain with a higher summit,

on a search for something to fill,

30,000 feet in a plane about to plummet,

I cant feel time itself, its still,

background radiation in my soul,

she told me put it down, fill that hole,

getting enraged and out of control,

my demons mock me when I try,

The Last Time We Spoke

I didn't want to be angry.
I didn't want to sort the differences
between the wounds that had been dressed,
and those that were abandoned.

Was it our intention
to give up on the remains?
I'm not sure, but it will always be
how I think of you, and how empty
the second chances left us.

A grizzled grazed grin

A Grizzled Grazed
grin gradually
growing back
into that
Innocently insecure
soul. Who once
heedfully hemmed
his half hummed
hopes within
the wistfully
waters of
wonderment .


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.