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I will tell you how
I thought of you today -

as if a thousand wild horses
approached from an unknown distance

storming their way closer,
thrusting onward and into my mind.

I closed my eyes,
the ground trembled at my feet,

and there was your earthen
essence, settling on my waiting lips.

The universe exploded,
I completely let go,


as if I'd never
exhale again.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Wow, sorry I missed this one. I wish I'd seen it sooner.

I loved the imagery you used to create the trembling feeling in my body you wrote about. It was very well done, bringing together elements of love with nature. Excellent Ruby :) xx

Give and grow - let's raise our verses together. I'm happy to comment on your work and appreciate a comment on mine.

I'm glad you enjoyed this. I remember feeling this way when my late husband and I started dating - the thought that someone could have this effect on another.
Thank you for reading!

author comment

every time I read your work I'm moved, I really hope you become a published writer one day. You have the talent and more should discover it.

You are incredibly kind. Sometimes certain poems just write themselves. I appreciate you reading and commenting so generously!

author comment

Another touching poem! Some of the best thoughts I have had of someone I love have felt so real. Your poems are always so deep, no matter how long or short they are. Always a pleasure to read! Well done!


I find it amazing that thoughts of another can be so deep and life changing.
Thank you for reading. You are always positive and supportive!

author comment
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