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The Last Time We Spoke

I didn't want to be angry.
I didn't want to sort the differences
between the wounds that had been dressed,
and those that were abandoned.

Was it our intention
to give up on the remains?
I'm not sure, but it will always be
how I think of you, and how empty
the second chances left us.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Last few words: 
Sometimes you just can't fix the things you want to,
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "The Last Time We Spoke" presents a clear emotional narrative, focusing on themes of regret, abandonment, and the aftermath of a relationship. The language is evocative and the imagery is strong, particularly in the lines "between the wounds that had been dressed, and those that were abandoned." This metaphor effectively conveys the sense of unresolved issues and pain.

The poem could benefit from a more careful consideration of rhythm and meter. While free verse can be powerful, the irregular rhythm here can sometimes disrupt the flow of the poem. For instance, the line "I'm not sure, but it will always be" is noticeably longer than the others, which can be jarring for the reader.

The poem's conclusion, "how I think of you, and how empty the second chances left us," effectively summarizes the speaker's feelings and provides a poignant ending. However, the phrase "how empty the second chances left us" is somewhat ambiguous. While ambiguity can add depth to a poem, in this case, it might be beneficial to clarify what is meant by "empty" in this context. Is it a feeling of hollowness, of disappointment, of wasted opportunity? More specificity here could enhance the emotional impact.

In terms of structure, the poem is largely consistent, with each stanza containing two lines. However, the final stanza breaks this pattern with three lines. While this could be seen as a way to emphasize the ending, it might be worth considering whether this disruption to the pattern is effective, or whether it might be more powerful to maintain a consistent structure throughout.

Overall, this poem demonstrates a strong command of language and a clear emotional core. With some adjustments to rhythm, clarity, and possibly structure, it could be even more impactful.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

and done that, I can relate.
I agree, sometimes you just can't fix the things that you want to.
I believe that there are places and things in our lives that are regulated
by our responses; a deeper layer that recognizes our inner-most soul and knows what is needed.
The pain we have to endure, the paths we have to follow.
Of course, I may be wrong, but I don't think so. I like this a lot. Nothing I would change. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thanks Geez - Very thoughtful comments, and I agree with you - cheers!


Michael Anthony

author comment

Hi, Michael,
Nope, sometimes we just can't fix the things we want to. "...the wounds that have been dressed, and those that were abandoned." We all have those types of wounds.
Great language and genuine feeling, as always.

So true L. Thank you for commenting, and glad you liked this one.


Michael Anthony

author comment

You never cease to amaze me with brevity. Your words hold power and emotion and gravity. I always enjoy your vision of the world around you and your ability to tell a story.


Thank you Tim, very kind. I am often intrigued with poetry's ability to condense feelings and emotions experienced over a number of years into so few words myself.


Michael Anthony

author comment

Such a strong poem - less is so much more!
I feel the power - in so few words.

Jenifer Jaspa James

Thank you Jennifer! Appreciate your visit and sharing your thoughts on this one - flattered to have won.


Michael Anthony

author comment
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