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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Where Were You Last Night?... Challenge - July

Where were you last night?
The night has been so long
you gave me such a fright
when I heard your mournful song

I heard you calling to the darkness
it answered back again
I worried about a weakness
going back to your old friends

Voices in the moonlight
howling closer still
sounds rustling in the night
eating at your will

Stealthy footsteps in the shadows
the eerie music of their song
where it comes from, no one knows
I know you're aching to belong


Roses in springtime fill the air
With fragrances behind compare

Red, white, yellow and more
Their perfume penetrates my core

Their leaves are firm and green
Creating a lovely scene

The flowers are so sweet
Their aroma can't be beat

Even though their thorns are there
They serve to protect and care

No matter what the rose
It's the flower everyone knows

A precious gift for all occasions
The rose is here for generations

(how about that topic for a change of pace?)

Yes back to getting walloped, decked
and clubbed courtesy cold hearted brute,
who casually, glad handedly, and royally
flushed out mine tailored pricey suit
wherein every pocket
once stashed, and lined with loot.

The Mask

As I lay here on my hospital bed
Many thoughts invade my mind
Up bubbles the fear, all encompassing dread
Tranquility is impossible to find

They warm the plastic to make it bend
And over my face it's placed
They push and pull til it fits in the end
And my heart continues to race

I cannot let it win I must not succumb
To the demons dragging me down to hell
Gird yourself now, just make it numb
Keep a grip of yourself all is well


They were enjoying a festival
They went into a field to pick vegetables
She preferred him to the other men
She knew he was a Trustifarian!
They were so happy, young and trendy
They strode into the fields of plenty
They were carefree and highly-sexed
They weren't to know what would happen next!
The One o'clock sun was shining briht

Gaslight (2)

Boots outside the door; shuffling, scuffling; cringing as the knob turns and clicks; twisting; tumbling; what will it be today? What didn't she do that he will say she did just so he can make her flinch? Watching, waiting as he drops his keys on the table. His voice rumbles like thunder. 

Friend, my friend

Friend, my friend,
How can you be a friend of mine
When such as I,
So ugly, brutish and a man,
Want to love you all I can,
Kiss your body for my own good,
Take possession of your womanhood.

Sunday Morning

A Perfect Sunday…

Includes waking up satisfied
Whether it is from a long week or
A Saturday lived out well.
Sunday is essential and divine
A day to praise and be blessed.

A day to step back from the grind
Visualize softness in all things,
A day to just relish in rest
In touched with our body, family, and healing.

Depths of Destruction

You, you evil substance,

You're narcissistic and have no balance,

Unstable on your feet,

Weak on your own,

Yes, I can tell by the tone,

The nuance is small,

But it's as vivid as you before me,

Asking for control of my world,

And I accepted foolishly,

My soul was damaged when you stole my power,

And took off Like a savage beast,

No feelings have you,

The contract you presented was compelling,

Still to this day has me dwelling,

On how many other lives you ruined for pleasure.

Overzealousness and assiduousness...

now propels yours truly towards restitution
courtesy sophisticated mountebank,
whose criminal mind
filched mine banknotes
rationed for when I exhibit decrepitude.
Cutthroat robber baron
re: newly minted vandal
an alumni matriculated

from school for scandal
a sheep in wolf's clothing
said culprit I call Randall
fleeced me such
more likely than not,
I will be forced to panhandle
and read book of Matthew
courtesy light of candle.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.