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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


School Days

School days as a twin, were filled with laughter and fun
Never apart, we were always as one

The teachers didn’t know which one of us was which
So they just called us both by the same name, it was bliss

We were often mistaken as the same student
But we always had actions that were prudent

We were both the same in so many ways
But created different forms of praise

We were at every single level compared
Be it math or English, we were never spared


Another time, another place, it may have worked out fine,
A passing glance, a pretty face and perhaps a glass of wine...

But fate itself had other plans, it wasn’t meant to be,
‘Cause someone else had you and he just wasn’t free...

They’ve tried to keep their distance and they’ve tried to let it go,
And when they meet out on the street, they never let it show...

You’re little girl is pretty and your boy’s a handsome lad,
She looks just like her mother and he looks like his dad...


Frozen in eternity; on a faux wood bed
Contracted, bluish; stuck to the pillow under your head
Too long; too gone, if only I had known
Maybe you wouldn't have died alone

I'll never forget trying to roll you flat
But you had given up long before that
Necrotic images burned in my head
How did he not know you were dead

I can't unsee it, God knows it isn't right
But I can still feel how you felt that night
Your choices forebode of what was to be
And now you will forever haunt me

Waiting to see a Doctor

I once went to the office late
I was told I shouldn’t wait

So now I get there a half hour before
Knowing I won’t be asked for the door

Once I waited an hour and a half
Only to find me urging me to laugh

Finally I was called inside
With a nurse whose questions were plied

The nurse had gone and another had come
Looking at papers to see what was to be done

Then another nurse quickly came in
Checking my heart, pulse, nose and chin

Back To School

Every time I go to school
I see teacher looking cool
Holding a cane at the gate
As I run behind my mate.

Every time I go to school
I see students at the pool
Many run across the lane
When the teacher holds a cane.

Every time I go to school
Mummy sits down on the stool
Selling pap to the people
While I make my way simple.

Every time I go to school
My body heavy as tool
Always shedding tears like rain
Before I decide to reign.

Old Ford

They found it hidden at a dead end
beneath the cutoff county bridge,
past the gravel road that runs along
stretches of soybeans and
wandering Iowa skies.

It looked as if it had traveled some
rugged miles,
rust blooming from every side, tires worn,
sooty, while letters on the
back of the dented tailgate
simply read: O D.


My motto comprises to exalt in this moment rather than delude myself with any grandiose illusions.



Before here, I was there,
Nurturing through the natural hex of growth,
Sipping medicines, gulping into different phases,
Every all ate fat yesterday and even tomorrow
My eyes saw when its gate opened, same story my ears heard
But my mouth travelled when my lips strived to speak the heart's wordings.


Why can nobody see her?
She's crouched right over there
Hunched over, cold, forsaken,
Alone by the moving stairs.

Forgotten, cold, hungry,
Gut wrenching despair.
She rocks to and fro as silent tears flow.
At the foot of the moving stairs.

Where has she come from, does anyone care?
What terrors have driven her grief and despair?
Does nobody see her, does nobody care
That she's lost and forsook at the foot of the stairs?


Sometimes it seems just right
To make a brand new start,
A chance to listen closely
To the calling of your heart.

A move so close, yet far away
To a place only you can choose,
A trek towards new horizons
If determined you cannot lose.

More than a pursuit of self
Perhaps to find a better way,
A chance to grow and prosper
And to conquer every day.

So what will be the future?
You can choose to make it bright,
Refuse to let the past dictate
And fight with all your might.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.