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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Last First Date

“Dinner might be awkward
if we don't care for each other.
Maybe coffee would be better for this.”, she said
with tactical honesty over the phone.

“Let's do that.”, I offered.
“I'll suggest dinner afterwards.
If we both agree, it’ll be a good sign
things are going well.”

Over coffee, her eyes seemed to smile.
“You brought me chocolates!
How did you know about my addiction?”

Shadow Man! (revised)

Come Halloween night, silent as the grave,
not even crackling of dried dead leaves
will crunch beneath His tread
for He glides, a weightless wraith.

Invisible to the untrained eye
cloaked in the misty deep shadows He waits,
for an innocent to seek passage
on His moonless path of crows and sorrows.

ghosting your steps behind you,
bony fingers caressing your neck,
stealing your most intimate thoughts
putrid breath whispering of your fears and regrets...

Halloween I Remember

On Halloween night, the moon shines bright,
Casting eerie shadows in the pale moonlight.
Ghosts and ghouls roam the streets with delight,
Their haunting presence giving us a fright.

Pumpkins carved with wicked grins,
Candles flicker as darkness begins.
Witches on broomsticks fly through the air,
Crackling and casting spells without a care.


The clouds have blotted out the sun
And somewhere a radio is playing
A song from my childhood
It feels hazy
Like a dream I can barely recall

Northwards the sky is a deep blue
It's vast and empty
Perhaps that's why my heart quickens,
Emptiness calling for emptiness

Once they told me poetry would save me
And perhaps for a time it did
Maybe all those hours I spent
On reading and writing and dreaming
Could have just as easily
Sent me to madness
Or had me jump off a roof somewhere

The Skeleton of the Pumpkin Man...

The skeleton of The Pumpkin Man
lies aware of time
Cursed until he's dust and dirt
his bones ground up real fine

Mold rots his face, the flesh hangs on
worms wriggle in his teeth
A clammy trenchcoat wraps his form
his hat makes a leather wreath

The golden glow of deep set eyes
flame whispers in the dark
the withered hand that grasps her arm
emits a little spark

The chill she feels in her bones
right to her very toes
The time has come for sacrifice
amongst the pumpkin rows

Aftermath of war: onerous task...

to salvage flotsam and jetsam
of human wreckage
amidst a sea where triage
witnessed courtesy scattered corpses
populating the Gaza strip
more'n pound of cold flesh
forced sacrifice appeasing
vengeance usurped quarterage
tendered for countless generations
predominantly innocent victims
hostages held at staggering price
non-negotiable exorbitant nonwage
blinding, deafening, frightening kilowattage
courtesy blitzkrieg annihilating,
obliterating, pulverizing... heritage

Things of the Old

The things of the old, ancient,
Craftily established with mastery and splendour,
Artifacts so genuine, refined in utmost glory,
Those hands, built from the wisdom of knowledge
Bringing vivid imaginations into light

The things of the old, ancient,
Activated, graced from graces of the creator,
From high pyramids oozing luxury,
Through the stars that worship on silvery statues,
The old lives in tapestries of wonders,
Overwhelming the senses of the natural man


Halloween is here
When memories are so near
Filled with treats and frights

every time you leave

wreathe of words sprout upon doorstep bed

beneath a far-looking moon, whisper to ear

upon footsteps fading, daily gaining near

nestled between gaps of tiles and grout

waiting for mistletoe to be hung again

warm embrace shall follow as fingers

fumble for keys that will turn the locks

that leave me fettered each time you leave

Mr. Bones

Mr. Bones with your rotten flesh,
Come to me now
Through Jack o lantern's light,
Upon this very hallowed night

Skeletal limbs that pull me close
Eyes glowing amber in the dark
Fleshless vessel between the veils
Ruthless keeper of empty souls

Black cats hiss
By the full moon's light
As I fall victim to his embalming kiss
Mr. Bones won't you come again
And relieve me of all my sin


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