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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


No Complaints

I can't see what once I could
My touch can't feel what I once felt,
Sounds are not quite as loud or clear
But I'll play the hand I'm dealt.

I'm less certain about decisions
That once quickly I use to make,
Now I ponder almost everything
Before the next steps that I take.

The memory seems to wane each day
While recollections once came so fast,
Yet there are memories from years ago
Crystal clear from years long past.

All the ways you make me smile.

Thinking of you,
the butterflies that go crazy inside me,
your teeth peeking through that stretched smile,
the small gap between our bodies,
interlocking of your fingers with mine,
my passion-filled emotions,
the addiction I have for your warmth,
trailing the fine details of your skin,
how your eyes glisten in the moonlight,
the way I am drawn to you, &
smelling the scent of your cologne.

Dark Road

Took a turn at the end of a dark road
Best place for my burdens to unload
Strangled my feelings until they died
Buried them way deep down inside
Pressure down on me until I am broken
Tortured by love words never spoken
Drowning in my own suffering pain
Burning me like a never-ending flame
Sacrificed my cold blood on the floor
For the love I have never felt before
In an empty dark, no heart can be found
Suffering through hurt with no sound
Silent eyes look on me with forebode

Dear Aunt Fanny!

Dear aunt Fanny in pink pajamas
waddles through her house.
Stumbling down the hallway spies,
an unassuming mouse.
Taken by surprise she cries,
belts out a hostile warning!
To her dismay it doesn't stay,
but makes a lively dash,
across her toes up and over her nose.
atop her wig at last.

Killing Halloween Again...

The party out at Killer's house
is getting underway
There's plenty of ghosts as usual
I think some more of them today

But lively members of the Neo clan
still outnumber the dead
Everyone's invited to Killer's
a Halloween-party spread

More food, more jokes, more drinking blood
there's RoseBlack moshing with Tim
The band is in fine form this year
they've got Boris back again

In the heart of the struggle

In every struggle, there's a hidden strength,
A testament to our will, to go any length.
For it's not the change, but the hate, that makes us wise,
In the heart of the struggle, our true self lies.
But how do I know the right from wrong
reality changes and I don't feel as strong
People get older
The world getting colder
In the heart of the struggle,
Only the world seems to lie.

Our Actions

Every action has consequences,
That's a truth that we all must know,
A ripple effect that life dispenses
As we live and learn and grow.

The decisions that we make,
Are the steps that create our fate,
And the path that we take,
Will determine if our life will be great.

No one can predict what will happen today,
Nor what will happen tomorrow,
We can review our actions and pray,
We can correct our actions to avoid sorrow.

25 (Out of my mind)

the humming,
of fluorescent lights
Monotonous tone,
drowning out the night
Constant, everywhere I go,
It meets me like an old friend
I hear it, in my classrooms,
Behind me, warm and smiling,
Staring at me.
Under the buzz,
lie whispers only I can hear,
They say it with hate,
with rot and mildew,
its voice grates against my ear,
It wants me to disappear.
Hot breath down my neck,
It feels like Tv static,

Lonely Roads

Hunched and cold with head bowed low
I trudge through darkened lanes
While heavens grief pours down on me
And chills me through my veins.

Roads wet with tears where lamplight glistens,
If I just stop, stop and listen
No sound but rain in gutters flowing
So on I tread with body bowing.

If I should stop and raise my eyes,
Blink against the weeping skies
In widows glow through shutters bright
I'll see the children of the night.

Running down a dream!

Running down a dream!

Racing down suburban streets!
Out to have some fun.
With burning hearts and eyes on fire.
Soon our little escapades,
would madly come undone.
Still boys were boys
and we just seemed
to always make our fun.
For years our play rolled on and on.
Into each setting sun,
our hearts still yearn to journey back
and make another mischeivious run.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.