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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


The Perfect Feast

The perfect spread lay out to rest,
our family gathers, all best dressed.
Frames of glass, picture-perfect scene,
Smiles frozen, though not as it all may seem.

Echoes sore of nostalgia's embrace,
we reminisce and pray for grace.
In the silence, joyful memories cease,
of our family's fine feast, a phony peace.

Through lying teeth and scripted laughter,
concealing the truths of our disaster.
Families lie and families fight,
but our shadows are not just from the candlelight.

Happy to me

Happy to me is a kind of pleasant
Amber glow that comes from within
Peering out beneath those chestnut eyes
Primrose cheeks & a dainty smile
You bring joy outside where ever you go


Memories of a broken lamp,
Burning away from its own fire,
Sits still on my rooftop of thoughts,
That stench oozing from its flesh,
Quenching the hopes and dreams of brickly flowers,
Proclaiming its deed proudly with a loud stamp,
To fall into traps woven out of its own desire.


Babies make me smile
no matter what the kind
I love to see them laugh
at the new things that they find

My lips are bound to curl
at bouncy, blonded hair
dandelions tied with ribbons
petals blowing in the air

Or maybe puppy-dogs
I like the old ones too
I just can't decide
The [ONE] I want,or two?

Smiles are free, let's give them away
I've got a few for you
I'll bet you've got some spare ones
If not , there's always new

Success, I Guess...

Success, I guess
is more, not less
Accomplishments I sing
you pass the test
It's a human kind of thing

A plan that works ensures
The man that works endures
No one else here can compete
But, no one else here, knows for sure
I've been so very discrete

Yes, I know success
Miss Liberty is underdressed
She is blinded by the light
I've looked, I must confess
It's a really terrible sight

Quite an undertaking
to break ground
figuratively, and symbolically linkedin
while able bodied and mindedness
readies cemetery plot within Elysian Fields
although honestly, and truthfully
as an organ donor,
yours truly opts for cremation
once I, the corporeal constituent essence
that constitutes breadth,
height, length, et cetera
of one garden variety generic guy,
whose introspective consciousness
once exits these lovely bones
subsequently shucks off his ethereal soul.

My Obituary

My obituary speaks of dreams unfulfilled
Of paths untaken and a heart that was stilled
Of love that was given, never returned
Of a life that was taken, never earned

My obituary will speak of a heart so strong
Of moments of joy that didn't last long
A life that was hard, but never complained
Of a soul that was strong, but never gained

Happy is an Inside Job

In this place of inner peace
I aspire to reside
Within the sphere of my control
Is where I might decide

Sow the seeds of happiness
Plant and tend with care
Or just neglect the garden
Or water it with fears

Maybe make no choice at all
Then certainly I’d lose
Happy is an inside job
One I have to choose


Helping is a kindness of act in life
Always exude with a sense of gratitude
Promote a share of compassionate and love
Paint a gracious smile on each face
Your blessing of reward will be given

Something light!

Though there's not much
of meter or rhyme.
in this short
little poem of mine
You'll find that there's more.
Held behind these locked doors.
To challenge the inquisitive mind.
When your heart makes connections
and finds.
A glimmering of the divine.
The world becomes light,
straight out of the night.
As sweet as fresh grapes from the vine.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.