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Legacy accompanied with inadequacy DESPAIR RING

uninvited GUESTS linkedin as the themes of mein kampf.

Despite countless factorial permutations
& combinations, this cyber surfer
avails left and right alm
seeking succor Out Of Human Bondage
invisibles shackles bind head,
shoulders, knees and toes
mom mee whiz sic cured courtesy grim reaper,
boot metastatic cervical/ovarian
carcinoma snatched such balm
when tethered in utero umbilical connection,
etched bromide, which hankering calm
embryonic sensation this corporeal being lacks

Brother You Are

From the day I was born
You were always there
You're always interested
From my studies to my hair

Sixteen years of laughter
Mixed in with a fight or two
Even when you were angry
I could always count on you

During every difficult situation
That night with tears not a few
I'll never forget the words you said
"I will never let anyone hurt you."


When the doctor says it might be cancer
your world diminishes,
small things become important,
big plans swamped simply
by the need to stay alive
not swallowed up
by the ogre of the Big C.

You wait for results
despair and desperation fighting
through your feeble attempts at optimism.
'What ifs' become 'I really should haves'
and life takes on the mantle
of the missed opportunities,
of the roads never taken.

lost leaves

Like children I have lost,
I miss those books I gave away.
Each lonely, loose-leaf page
I long for on this dreary day.

Some other hand now holds,
some other soul they soothe and still.
(I rue those wasted years
when I had reading-time to kill!)

One author, you may know.
(I dare not spell his noble name)
When father bid me read;
I sneered, to my eternal shame!

But that was in my youth,
when blinded to the gentle gleam
of chapters’ golden glow,
I deemed those words a dead-man’s dream.

Dragon Scent...

Dreams of dragons in the cliffs
caves of stone to cool their hearts
Burnished scales of copper hue
reflect light of morning's start

The smell of leather trappings
raw and bloody breakfast meat
Cries of wake up my lords and ladies
feel their warm and generous heat

Smell the musty scent of oils
feel the saddle leather
Listen for the "Riders up"
whatever is the weather


They come from every walk of life
From every town across this land,
They pledge to serve with honor
As they raise their earnest hand.

You probably seldom see them
Until you need then come your way,
Yet they are always at the ready
Be it darkened night or sunlit day.

They guide and teach in many schools
Showing our youth which way to go,
Or responding in our neighborhoods
When tense emotions overflow.

Spotless Queen

Some clean and that is that
But others are called to sparkle and gleam
Carve out a bit of their day to wipe down
Opt out of the dirt and grime for white and pristine
It becomes a ritual with tranquil music highlighting its beginning
Has its own caddy and fragrances
Pine, cinnamon, vanilla, and citrusy bleach

Everyday Wonder

Gentle morning breeze,
Whispering secrets to trees,
Nature's symphony.

Once Upon a Dream

I grab your arms
And guide you to the edge of the sidewalk
As people from behind you
Are trying to pass

I don't immediately let go of your arms...
I let them linger on your skin
Trying to engrain in my heart
what your touch feels like

You notice my hesitation to pull away
And take a slow step closer
Gently turning me against the wall
Ever so slowly you let your body
Get closer to mine

I once asked God?

I once asked God?


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